The Harry Gill Fan Club!

Flapping your arms about in the cab like that Harry it’s a wonder you didn’t burn your hands on the boiler! :open_mouth:


Flapping your arms about in the cab like that Harry it’s a wonder you didn’t burn your hands on the boiler! :open_mouth:


“Windrush” that was always a possibility if the trailer boy/stoker had left the
firebox door open, lazy little git where’s mi knotted rope. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
thanks harry, long retired.

You might not of had indicators on your wagon Harry but at least you had a decent night heater.


You might not of had indicators on your wagon Harry but at least you had a decent night heater.


Notice I’ve commandeered the top bunk so the “fireboy” doesn’t disturb me
when he’s attending to the boiler, where’s mi tea you lazy little twonk’.Oh’
here’s a penny go and get two bacon and egg butties.
thanks harry, long retired.

There is even a bulb horn in the roof so that you can wake the lad up Harry! :wink:


There is even a bulb horn in the roof so that you can wake the lad up Harry! :wink:


No, no, no, Pete, the bulb horn would wake everybody up, I settled for a whack
with the knotted rope and a few choice words to get the lazy little sod into top
gear and ready for the off with a full head of steam, coaled up and water level
checked oh’ and a suitable pothole located to put the residue of the ash box in
before departure, well I was the driver and if a jobs worth doing, do it right.
thanks harry, long retired.

There is even a bulb horn in the roof so that you can wake the lad up Harry! :wink:


I don’t think that it’s a Bulb horn Pete :confused: it’s more likely to be Harry’s yard of ale.
You gave him a penny for two bacon and egg butties Harry :open_mouth: I hope that he remembered to give you back the change. :wink:

Regards Steve.


There is even a bulb horn in the roof so that you can wake the lad up Harry! :wink:


I don’t think that it’s a Bulb horn Pete :confused: it’s more likely to be Harry’s yard of ale.
You gave him a penny for two bacon and egg butties Harry :open_mouth: I hope that he remembered to give you back the change. :wink:

Regards Steve.

According to Harry,he either did a dodgy or stayed in a lodging house. :wink:
Cheers Dave.

Dave, maybe Harry was on his way to the digs, he had probably worked a really long day and he just ran out of steam. :wink:

Dave, maybe Harry was on his way to the digs, he had probably worked a really long day and he just ran out of steam. :wink:

A few drivers asked me over the years why I never cabbed it, I just couldn’t answer,
but from my experience how did you get comfortable enough to get a proper nights
sleep I couldn’t even get a decent midday nap without waking up (in the winter) in
an aching and frozen condition, even when I got my first sleeper cab it didn’t make
any difference I was working for the BRS and sleeping in the cab was taboo, it did
mean that when waiting in a queue a kip on the bunk was OK but I never had the
gear to make a bed and never purchased a sleeping bag, I did however have a little
black book with excellent digs listed one of which in the Mumbles I used for 23 years
I have had “trailer boys” who chose to “cab it” but that was their choice they did
get the same dig’s money as me but preferred to rough it and they were handy in a
morning for getting the old girl warmed up and the windows cleaned and if he was
in need of breakfast and hadn’t been to a nearby cafe while I was having mine tough
he’d have to wait till I stopped for my mid morning “second breakfast” they soon got
the idea, and I wouldn’t allow bedding and mattress cushions in the cab so they was
either bunged on the sheet rack or tucked under the sheet somewhere.
thanks harry, long retired

wish me luck , off into hospital early doors tomorrow to get my back sorted out . long painful job apparently but it has to be done as the old legs keep going on strike . doctor called it spinal stenosis or compression of the spine , but my ever-loving reckons its the glass rod that’s broke . i shall be at her mercy when i get home , gawd help me , but she wants me up and running to take her on holiday , or else ! see thee all anon , dave

Good luck mate,hope it goes well for you

wish me luck , off into hospital early doors tomorrow to get my back sorted out . long painful job apparently but it has to be done as the old legs keep going on strike . doctor called it spinal stenosis or compression of the spine , but my ever-loving reckons its the glass rod that’s broke . i shall be at her mercy when i get home , gawd help me , but she wants me up and running to take her on holiday , or else ! see thee all anon , dave

Now then Rigger’s get yourself in there and get yourself fettled up, the missus
tekken on her jollies, and think on no more leaping in and out of the shed as
and when you feel like returning to driving, it’s not ■■■ that knacks your back
contrary to what the ladies try to tell when they want a night off, it’s all that
leaping about trying to earn a crust that gives you a bad back, being serious
mate hope everything goes well mate keep oe’r to the left and get well soon.
thanks harry, long retired.

Good luck Dave, all those years of jumping out of cabs comes back to haunt us in later years it seems. :confused: To jump out of one of these modern things you would need a parachute.


Good luck Dave, all those years of jumping out of cabs comes back to haunt us in later years it seems. :confused: To jump out of one of these modern things you would need a parachute.


Pete, I remember F88s, and the Scammell Crusaders where a canny distance away
from Terra Firma, as I well remember once falling from the flightdeck of a Volvo, I
was, although not immobilised a bit sore for a few days, thankfully I was a younger
version of now and was able to bounce better than nowadays.
thanks harry, long retired.

Best wishes Dave. Hope it all goes well. Regards Kev.

Good luck Dave Rigsby, hope all goes well for you.
Cheers Dave.

Good luck Rigsby get well soon, Regards Larry.

panic over for now , bloody hospitals . had to get up at 5am , down to the hospital for 7am . anaesthetist comes and starts fussing about outdated ecg ( i’ve waited 3 months for the appointment ). she eventually concedes that it isn’t that important , cue the specialist with more excuses and waffle , who then decides a steroid injection in the spine will be a temporary fix and to see him in 3 months to discuss progress . i was talking to the ward sister after the injection "we’re desperately short of beds and it looks like you drew the short straw "was her summing up . so thank you all for your good wishes . dave ps mrs rigsby reckons he turned my grumpy gland up as well .

Well “Riggers”, that’s neither good news or bad news, I once waited six months
for a specialist to take a gander at my painful left shoulder I did eventually see
him after two cancellations after about half an hour and that included going to
X-ray I was informed, and these were his very words, well Mr Gill I’ve seen a lot
worse keep taking the tablets twenty odd years later I’m still taking the tablets.
thanks harry, long retired.