The Harry Gill Fan Club!

What a shocker, I’m going to “sign the pledge” the moment I can find a pen,
I do have a stock of three and a half bottles of single malt, and what to do
with it ■■ could it be used as toilet disinfectant or will it do the drains harm
if I just pour it down the sink, Oh’ what a predicament to be in, I only wish I
hadn’t read it, I do need a drink now to settle myself down. :blush: :blush: :blush:
thanks harry, long retired.

Harry just pour it straight down the loo, that’s what I did with mine (Singletons) several years ago as it was over ten years old so way past its sell by date. Just think, the loo is where it will end up anyway and at least you have the secure knowledge that by cutting out the middle man it hasn’t damaged any of your few remaining faculties on its way there. Drown your sorrows with a nice cup of tea. :wink:


I don’t know about you lot , but i do resent being called elderly , i prefer to think of myself as of a mature age . Elderly sounds like we are all gaga and ready to shuffle off at a moments notice . plenty of life left in us lot yet . i know some are more mature than others , but i for one ain’t going until i’ve drawn my fair share of the pension pot . dave. just having read pete’s post i can sense the shock and dismay resounding round the interweb .

grumpy old man:

I didn’t know which thread to put this on , so i opted for the thread with the oldest ( and drunkest )members .A new report by medical sources says that older people , over 65s especially drink far too much and that they should be limited to one and a half units of alcohol a day . If this is true it could lead to a collapse of the scottish distilling industry . Have these people no thought of the results of their pronouncements ? dave

“A new report”, what a wonderful phrase, these “new reports” are now part of our daily balanced diet.
Well I have a message for the author of this “new report”…stuff it as far as you can get it. :imp:
I’ve got to this age, I won’t change, and one thing is for sure, you can’t have a taste of malt when you’re dead so I’m getting my fair share now. :slight_smile:

Yep & we are a long time dead as the old lady next to me in hospital ( she was 95 years young ) you have to die of something :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t know about you lot , but i do resent being called elderly , i prefer to think of myself as of a mature age . Elderly sounds like we are all gaga and ready to shuffle off at a moments notice . plenty of life left in us lot yet . i know some are more mature than others , but i for one ain’t going until i’ve drawn my fair share of the pension pot . dave. just having read pete’s post i can sense the shock and dismay resounding round the interweb .

Well Dave, one of my wife’s carers (aged 21) was amazed that an ‘elderly gentleman’ like myself was still caring for somebody on a daily basis…I wont be 65 until December! :unamused: She also found it hard to believe that, if I hadn’t been made redundant, I would have done 50 years at work this year. I told her that she may beat me as the retirement age may be raised to 80 haha!


May be show her this then … ml#Ciz581v

May be show her this then … ml#Ciz581v

No point showing her that lass, she only started working in april aged 21 (she had a child while still at school so stopped at home looking after that) and has a day off ‘poorly’ about every fortnight! :unamused: Not going to be one of lifes long term employed I fear.


May be show her this then … ml#Ciz581v

Whilst I admire the gentleman for his sterling service but what is he trying to prove ?
all those years “in collar”, one day he’ll arrive for his annual medical to find he’s not
fit for further employment, he’ll go to pieces and most likely turn up at work and
when told to go home because of his unemployability will end it all under a passing
express not having drawn a penny of his well earned pension, I was once asked why
I took early retirement, I told them simple’s I’d had enough and would have chucked
it at age 21 if the funds had been there, it’s obvious the gentleman had never done
any “wearing out type work” or he’d be glad to put his feet up.
thanks harry, long retired.

just a note o caution regarding this " report " . on no account must mrs gill be allowed access to this information , harry’s life wouldn’t be worth living if she read it . no worries for tom as he’ll just buy the mrs a bottle of gin to keep her happy .

just a note o caution regarding this " report " . on no account must mrs gill be allowed access to this information , harry’s life wouldn’t be worth living if she read it . no worries for tom as he’ll just buy the mrs a bottle of gin to keep her happy .

She will probably get the poor old lad a paper round. :wink:
Cheers Dave.

Harry is a expert of not doing things, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: since he retired, he done his bathroom to please his wife, it nearly finished him off. :cry: :cry: :cry: So he threw his tool kit away. Conceted his garden so he don’t have to mow or weed. I told my next door neighbour that he should always give jobs a few coats of looking at before starting, terry said that a brilliant idea, where did you hear that. From my old mate Harry. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Norman Ingram:
Harry is a expert of not doing things, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: since he retired, he done his bathroom to please his wife, it nearly finished him off. :cry: :cry: :cry: So he threw his tool kit away. Concreted his garden so he don’t have to mow or weed. I told my next door neighbour that he should always give jobs a few coats of looking at before starting, terry said that a brilliant idea, where did you hear that. From my old mate Harry. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Long time no see Nosser, how you doing my old mate ■■ we was contemplating
putting a search party out, alls well I hope.
thanks harry, long retired.

I wonder has he built that boat yet Harry. The old lad has been up to something. :wink:
Cheers Dave.

Dave the Renegade:
I wonder has he built that boat yet Harry. The old lad has been up to something. :wink:
Cheers Dave.

Built a boat !!! his birdbath needs a lick of paint first, what’s the boat Norman’s Ark ■■
thanks harry, long retired.

Harry, watch it mate. My posh birdbath is stone it has to be cleaned with stone cleaner. My other one has been painted twice, I suggest you get a upto date Google. And if I was building a ark, I know one Animal who would be let on first even if she puts her foot in it some times. :wink: :laughing:

Norman Ingram:
Harry, watch it mate. My posh birdbath is stone it has to be cleaned with stone cleaner. My other one has been painted twice, I suggest you get a upto date Google. And if I was building a ark, I know one Animal who would be let on first even if she puts her foot in it some times. :wink: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Norman Ingram:
Harry, watch it mate. My posh birdbath is stone it has to be cleaned with stone cleaner. My other one has been painted twice, I suggest you get a upto date Google. And if I was building a ark, I know one Animal who would be let on first even if she puts her foot in it some times. :wink: :laughing:

What do you use as stone cleaner Norm?? I need some for my daughters gravestone.

We use fairy liquid in a solution with warm water.
Cheers Dave.

Thanks, I’ll give it a go.

The “old lady” and me have had words today, it went something like this !!!
You sat in that chair all day yesterday and did nothing, what do you have planned for today??,
I told her I was going to sit here all day and do nothing again, I hope you’ve got a good reason
says she I do says I, as it happens I didn’t get through doing nothing yesterday but I’ll do my all
to get it completed today, she just shook her head and gave me a funny look, and a thick ear. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
thanks harry, long retired.