The forum troll of the day/quoting


The (hopefully) more sensible of us try and encourage others not to make the same mistakes we have, but that’s a world of difference to just abusing blokes trying to earn a bloody crust who in many cases are doing so many bloody hours they haven’t got time or the energy to find another stable.

No problem encouraging others to look for better, but I sometimes feel many will be on a futile search. Good jobs seem to get fewer and further apart as the industry keeps it’s headlong dive to the bottom and good firms either go out of business or the accountants takeover and the workforce becomes a number on the overheads column to be cut or contracted out.

Although it’s not just haulage, it seems to affect many industries and many workers, except a few at the top and those that have managed to hang on to some bargaining power, although as we see the Government, their corporate buddy’s and their media attack dogs are trying to smash the last vestiges of union power, so we can all have our pay and conditions cut and do bugger all about it.

I don’t see the MSM propaganda concerning this because i long ago gave up on the state broadcaster affectionately known as the bbc, and i haven’t bought a so called newspaper for decades and never will again.

I have however seen the propaganda as reported in alternative news sources…you know the ones, the ones Merkel and the stormtroopers, Obummer and our own lackeys in the houses of ill repute are branding as fake news and are itching to censor and close down fully.
Yes they’ve started again on the unions, recruiting useful idiots to repeat their damnation of working class bods getting the best deal for themselves whilst they still can, its disappointing when you read here the same drivel from drivers who can’t see that if they, especially those in larger operations got themselves organised they wouldn’t be crapped on from quite so high either.

I agree with you about the race to the bottom, but the odd decent place is still going hence i encourage the better drivers (if you can judge better via a forum) to seek these jobs out, if good places keep getting top class drivers only then the transport is more likely to stay in house, the opposite is true too, if poor companies can’t keep good staff they’ll, in theory at least, have to up their game or keep losing the good ones.

I met up again in the summer with a really nice young bloke who i meet sometimes at delivery points around the country as our products are complimentary, he’d been semi permanent agency for this really good own account tanking operation for a few years, like a puppy with two tails he’d just been taken on full time to replace one of the lads who is retiring after some 30 years, he knows he’s a bloody lucky feller cos its still paid on the old contracts with final salary etc, and its in your county.

Yes we all talk ■■■■■■■■ now and again, and we have minor spats among ourselves, generally though it’s pretty light hearted here and the mild ■■■■ taking out of one another is as would happen in any transport yard, but those who just post to disrupt or be plain nasty, IMHO spoil it for most.

Wholeheartedly agreed, and long may it continue. :smiley:

Somebody was telling me that somebody else is experiencing some technical difficulties when they try to post, but I’m not quite sure what he meant. :wink:

Tbh Dave, sometimes these guys are entertaining in their own way.
I mean I would rather read some of these guy’s posts, where they think they are being clever, but unaware in reality that they are showing themselves up to being complete knobs, than the boring repetetive stuff like.;
‘’ What’s the best truck sat nav’’ …yawn ■■■■ yawn. :unamused:


‘‘What do I take for a night out’’ …A ■■■■ sleeping bag and some cash ffs!! think of the rest of the stuff yourself, how ■■■■ old are you exactly. :unamused:

Give these troll type guys a bit of leeway, and rope :bulb: , and they do eventually hang themselves.
Or better still answer them with superior intellect (ok, difficult for many on here :smiley: …only kidding) and watch them crash and burn.
Just saying.


Yes we all talk ■■■■■■■■ now and again, and we have minor spats among ourselves, generally though it’s pretty light hearted here and the mild ■■■■ taking out of one another is as would happen in any transport yard, but those who just post to disrupt or be plain nasty, IMHO spoil it for most.

Wholeheartedly agreed, and long may it continue. :smiley:

Somebody was telling me that somebody else is experiencing some technical difficulties when they try to post, but I’m not quite sure what he meant. :wink:

:sunglasses: :laughing: t’internet just aint reliable


We all know there is better out there

And that’s why I’ve still got a limp… :unamused:
But on that point, everyone is different. Some want to work every hour looking to bank as much as they can, while others are looking for more of a balance and accept there is generally a trade off. I’ve yet to find mine but the hunt continues, which is sadly slow with this gammy leg! :cry:

It’s all experience though, and while I’m a limper it’s easy to jump from gig to gig to see what’s about and suits me…
Nothing! :open_mouth:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You’ll get there mate if anyone will, it’s sometimes word of mouth that gets you the big breaks, sometimes pot luck right time right place, be ready to strike when that opportunity arises, none of this i’ll have a chat with the Mrs ■■■■■■■■ then get back to them three weeks later, i’ve known people fail to get in where i am cos they literally weren’t hungry/keen enough…i know that aint you mind.

My first move from general was via word of mouth from a bloke whose car i used to service, he told me about a night van driving job where he worked, so i packed in the artics and went on vans and increased me money substantially, that led onto night trunking artics for the same crew when they changed the way they did things, i ended up on one of the best paid jobs of the 80’s because i serviced that blokes car.

2nd break, I’d been on the cars for several years, and the company i worked for at the time was a right bloody place, the boss then and now was the one who stood up and told us all ‘‘i can drivers ten a penny’’, well hasn’t that bitten him in the arse a few times.
I was training new transporter drivers at the time, and one bloke i taught mentioned about his dad working for Kwik Save supermarket, sounded bloody good, so i gave 'em a ring, got took straight on, within 6 months there were about a dozen of from the transporter operator there earning better money and home every night.
That ended up buggered cos Kwikkies sold out to Somerfield, (never bloody satisfied are they, decent operating profit never bloody enough :imp: ) and that was the job buggered, so back on the cars, though i did move onto one of the best operators shortly after, old pals act (from the van days), reciprocated both ways many times over the last 30 years and we still work together now.
In time i got too bloody old to be honest for that lark, so jacked it and went limping, then one day i had a brainwave (no don’t take the ■■■■ :laughing: ) and knocked o the door where i am now, welcomed with open arms, and that it.

I’ve never once in 40 years landed a good job in answer to an advert of any description, its always been either word of mouth, pot luck knocking on doors, and/or recommendation.

I always suggest its worth being reliable and honest and doing a good job in this game, this job now unbeknown to me one of the lads already there i’d worked with on the cars 20 years ago, the TM asked him about me after i’d presented my CV (you do not get a job here without them receiving one), he vouched for me and i was in…now if i’d been an arse or a sick note that recommend wouldn’t have come, cos its basically a prime job and no one with any sense is going to recommend idiots or it won’t be prime job for long.

Sorry got a a bit carried away there waffling Evil, i’m sure you’ll find what you want, just give it time, it took me near enough 13 years on general to get that first break, but what i’d learned in those 13 years and subsequently meant i could manage the jobs easily where the less experienced did struggle, you’ve done a lot in your time and it will all make such a difference when that prime opportunity presents itself.


Yes we all talk ■■■■■■■■ now and again, and we have minor spats among ourselves, generally though it’s pretty light hearted here and the mild ■■■■ taking out of one another is as would happen in any transport yard, but those who just post to disrupt or be plain nasty, IMHO spoil it for most.

Wholeheartedly agreed, and long may it continue. :smiley:

Somebody was telling me that somebody else is experiencing some technical difficulties when they try to post, but I’m not quite sure what he meant. :wink:

Well if this post appears I can’t be The troll, but I’m not sure I agree with the tenor of your post, it smacks of censorship; of an authoritarian nature, this site has hardly any need for fear of its reputation being called into disrepute, its a bloody joke anyway.

So little of the world I live in is reflected by the opinions expressed on Trucknet: a forum which I have never once heard being mentioned, directly or indirectly, by word-of-mouth, it’s how I imagine you make contact with an alternate universe, and one that I’m certainly glad I don’t live in.

As an irregular reader, and getting ever less so, I am nevertheless curious about the identity of The troll, I might even be envious of his or her ability to stir the emotions of those who regard themselves as ‘tough truckers’, what is it that was once said ‘‘sticks and stones may break your bones…’’



Yes we all talk ■■■■■■■■ now and again, and we have minor spats among ourselves, generally though it’s pretty light hearted here and the mild ■■■■ taking out of one another is as would happen in any transport yard, but those who just post to disrupt or be plain nasty, IMHO spoil it for most.

Wholeheartedly agreed, and long may it continue. :smiley:

Somebody was telling me that somebody else is experiencing some technical difficulties when they try to post, but I’m not quite sure what he meant. :wink:

:sunglasses: :laughing: t’internet just aint reliable

Says the man who ceaselessly opposes propagandism and the curtailment of free speech. Don’t the bullies just love their upper hand, aye Juddian?.

I’ve been an online commentator longer than I’ve been a driver - even a car driver.

I used to be in the IT business before I passed my car test on the third attempt.

Back then, only travel agents, government, academics, and computer buffs were into “on-line forums”. They used to be called “Bulletin Boards” back then, and I ran one called the “Chopping Block” that people had to phone me up with their computer and modem to access, leave messages on, upload material, etc. “One user per time” was the order of the day because I only had the one phone line, which of course was ■■■■■■■ when someone dialed in as well.

:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: Fast Forward to TODAY, and if anything the advent of the Iphone has brought the internet well and truly to the masses. Not everyone got themselves a desktop PC back in the 90’s, and there are still plenty of families around that make do with a Laptop instead of a Desktop, and a Mobile phone instead of a Landline.

HOWEVER… People only need learn how to text on these mobile phones, so the one advantage us old ■■■■■ from the 80’s had in Cyberspace - was the ability to have better kit, type faster, and of course have interaction skills of a balanced nature thanks to having left school in an age where “spelling matters”, and there were more Grammar Schools about than there are now.
These days, the buzzwords are more likely to be “Black Lives Matter” or if you mistype it by only a fraction in a search engine - “Black ■■■■■ Matter” which I understand is the latest serious of DVD releases in the pornographic industry.

Our values have changed over the years, and only the older members of both this board and society itself have seen it all come and go over the years.

The one message I’d like to get across to young and old though is:-
Don’t forget to take your brain with you when you get involved.
If you make a mistake when driving - you might not be able to “take it back”. Same applies to on-line political allegiances, comments made, or even admissions of criminal behaviour.
Once it’s out there - it’s out there forever. Watch your step online - and drive carefully on the roads. :slight_smile:

Christ. Which rock has this one crawled from underneath?

What did this thread start as a result of? Looks like I missed some right old Ethel gossip. Which troll we talking about, Erectile-dysfunction-toilet-picture-boy, the crying vigilante cyclist or some other spanner? So many to choose from, it’s a tool box of candidates.

I think the clown is talking about nightline, Jim.

I think the clown is talking about nightline, Jim.

Nightline, should’ve know

We’re gonna need a bigger tool box. Only holds spanners of a certain size

I’ve never risen to a troll’s bait. I’m not really an internet forum person anyway. I come on here to discuss the odd subject if it’s something I know a bit about, and learn stuff from the ‘normal’ people.
You can be anything or anyone you want on the internet and it seems to me there are three types of people. Those that be themselves, those that choose to be a spanner, and those that combine the two.
I joined here pretty much as soon as my class 2 lessons were underway.After 18 months or whatever of being on here,I think I’ve worked out who’s who

There’s about half a dozen I can think of straightaway.

We all know who they are and it’s a part of forum life which we have to live with.

Bit like middle lane hoggers at 51 mph. :frowning:

The one message I’d like to get across to young and old though is:-
Don’t forget to take your brain with you when you get involved.

think before pressing SUBMIT? :grimacing:



We all know there is better out there

And that’s why I’ve still got a limp… :unamused:
But on that point, everyone is different. Some want to work every hour looking to bank as much as they can, while others are looking for more of a balance and accept there is generally a trade off. I’ve yet to find mine but the hunt continues, which is sadly slow with this gammy leg! :cry:

It’s all experience though, and while I’m a limper it’s easy to jump from gig to gig to see what’s about and suits me…
Nothing! :open_mouth:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You’ll get there mate if anyone will, it’s sometimes word of mouth that gets you the big breaks, sometimes pot luck right time right place, be ready to strike when that opportunity arises, none of this i’ll have a chat with the Mrs ■■■■■■■■ then get back to them three weeks later, i’ve known people fail to get in where i am cos they literally weren’t hungry/keen enough…i know that aint you mind.

My first move from general was via word of mouth from a bloke whose car i used to service, he told me about a night van driving job where he worked, so i packed in the artics and went on vans and increased me money substantially, that led onto night trunking artics for the same crew when they changed the way they did things, i ended up on one of the best paid jobs of the 80’s because i serviced that blokes car.

2nd break, I’d been on the cars for several years, and the company i worked for at the time was a right bloody place, the boss then and now was the one who stood up and told us all ‘‘i can drivers ten a penny’’, well hasn’t that bitten him in the arse a few times.
I was training new transporter drivers at the time, and one bloke i taught mentioned about his dad working for Kwik Save supermarket, sounded bloody good, so i gave 'em a ring, got took straight on, within 6 months there were about a dozen of from the transporter operator there earning better money and home every night.
That ended up buggered cos Kwikkies sold out to Somerfield, (never bloody satisfied are they, decent operating profit never bloody enough :imp: ) and that was the job buggered, so back on the cars, though i did move onto one of the best operators shortly after, old pals act (from the van days), reciprocated both ways many times over the last 30 years and we still work together now.
In time i got too bloody old to be honest for that lark, so jacked it and went limping, then one day i had a brainwave (no don’t take the ■■■■ :laughing: ) and knocked o the door where i am now, welcomed with open arms, and that it.

I’ve never once in 40 years landed a good job in answer to an advert of any description, its always been either word of mouth, pot luck knocking on doors, and/or recommendation.

I always suggest its worth being reliable and honest and doing a good job in this game, this job now unbeknown to me one of the lads already there i’d worked with on the cars 20 years ago, the TM asked him about me after i’d presented my CV (you do not get a job here without them receiving one), he vouched for me and i was in…now if i’d been an arse or a sick note that recommend wouldn’t have come, cos its basically a prime job and no one with any sense is going to recommend idiots or it won’t be prime job for long.

Sorry got a a bit carried away there waffling Evil, i’m sure you’ll find what you want, just give it time, it took me near enough 13 years on general to get that first break, but what i’d learned in those 13 years and subsequently meant i could manage the jobs easily where the less experienced did struggle, you’ve done a lot in your time and it will all make such a difference when that prime opportunity presents itself.

There is a place just up the road from me, middle of the road paywise but they have a very low turn over of drivers. One in, one out sort of thing. Well, I spoke to the TM running the operation back in September, had an interview etc. He seemed impressed but didn’t have anything. Called again in October about it, same thing. No places. Fast forward to this month, a friend of mine sent me a picture from their Facebook account. “We are hiring in January” basically what it said. Jumped straight on the phone again with the TM to tell him I’m still interested in joining. After taking my name he said. “You’re the guy who lives at X close right?” He did remember who I was even after all this time! According to him I’m still top of the list as I have all my ADR, Class 1 and CPC ready to go so I’m holding out hope for a phone call in January some when.


the maoster:
Unlike chlymidia if ignored long enough it will go away.

Now you tell me! :open_mouth:

Did someone say something?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is a place just up the road from me, middle of the road paywise but they have a very low turn over of drivers. One in, one out sort of thing. Well, I spoke to the TM running the operation back in September, had an interview etc. He seemed impressed but didn’t have anything. Called again in October about it, same thing. No places. Fast forward to this month, a friend of mine sent me a picture from their Facebook account. “We are hiring in January” basically what it said. Jumped straight on the phone again with the TM to tell him I’m still interested in joining. After taking my name he said. “You’re the guy who lives at X close right?” He did remember who I was even after all this time! According to him I’m still top of the list as I have all my ADR, Class 1 and CPC ready to go so I’m holding out hope for a phone call in January some when.

Keeping fingers crossed here for you Radar, hope you get a call soon mate.

Indeed. Getting offered a job that starts in january is a pose in itself. :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

There is a place just up the road from me, middle of the road paywise but they have a very low turn over of drivers. One in, one out sort of thing. Well, I spoke to the TM running the operation back in September, had an interview etc. He seemed impressed but didn’t have anything. Called again in October about it, same thing. No places. Fast forward to this month, a friend of mine sent me a picture from their Facebook account. “We are hiring in January” basically what it said. Jumped straight on the phone again with the TM to tell him I’m still interested in joining. After taking my name he said. “You’re the guy who lives at X close right?” He did remember who I was even after all this time! According to him I’m still top of the list as I have all my ADR, Class 1 and CPC ready to go so I’m holding out hope for a phone call in January some when.

Nice one Radar and best of luck. Whatever happens it shows that persistence pays and waiting for them to get back to you 3 months later doesn’t work. Probably because the cleaners empty the bins daily! :smiley:

Thanks Juddian, I’ll find somewhere soon…
To this point I confess I’ve pretty much just limped where I’ve been sent, and applied when I’ve seen adverts, all to gigs that are pretty much pants! :cry: But the main reason I haven’t really bothered to go knocking on doors where they don’t advertise is 3 fold.

1, When starting out you don’t necessarily know where to go.
2, You don’t have much in the way of experience and I don’t have the gall to pretend otherwise.
3, I wouldn’t want to screw up a good gig due to inexperience and making silly mistakes.

Along with that, I’ve got the impression that now just about all gigs seem to use agency staff to some degree, and through that those that are deemed worthy, may get offered to lose the limp. As yet I’ve not found a gig where I don’t want to hobble off into the sunset, but the search continues. I know I won’t be staying where I am now, even though it’s a limp for life job, and I’m only sticking it out for now as I know I won’t be short of work January and February, if I can last that long! :laughing: