The Ex-Pats forum thread?


I think we’ve been scolded :wink:

I think you are on a countdown to oblivion :open_mouth:

You have been advised :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
I think you are on a countdown to oblivion :open_mouth:

You have been advised :laughing:

Naah, I’m a good lad I am - just led astray by bad types. Honest guv :slight_smile:

Wheel Nut:
I think you are on a countdown to oblivion :open_mouth:

You have been advised :laughing: :open_mouth:


Wheel Nut:
I think you are on a countdown to oblivion :open_mouth:

You have been advised :laughing: :open_mouth:

Come on guys, I’m the last person to side with admin usually, but this thread serves no purpose just like the last one didn’t :unamused: , except for more pointless arguing, and I can tell you from past experience that going over Pam’s head KENNY is a really… bad… idea… :bulb:

Rob K:
…, but this thread serves no purpose …

Agreed Rob!!

This topic is now locked, so could all questions and comments be left on this thread please: