The ex-BVBA Longline

There have been many posts about this truck due to its interesting history. This is what it ended up looking like after it went to Moodys - a big improvement, what a stunning truck!

Who runs it now?

Judging from the reg plate, I guess Mick Moody is running it himself?

TBH, I prefered it in Romantieks paint scheme.

wow, very smart a second home lol

Judging from the reg plate, I guess Mick Moody is running it himself?

TBH, I prefered it in Romantieks paint scheme.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


i think it looks fantastic now.

You dont think Freightliner are gonna get a fleet of them for you then JD :question: :question: :question:

that is a 101% improvment to the last colour looks the part now

More pics here -

i thought the bvba longline was a 620 and not a 580?

the bvba colours were nicer though but the interior wasnt soo nice

if it matched the truck then yea awesome

white and blue leather

Any pictures of what it used to look like?
Or was it that white and baby blue one?

yea the bvba was a 620 so this truck isnt the same as its only a 580.

heres the bvba one.

The R580 with red interior was Romantieks, the “R580” badged up as a R620 with green interior was destined for Simon Boon, but he was closed down before they could take delivery. So Romantiek kept hold and repainted it into there white and baby blue colour scheme.

the white and blue one i posted was the one with the green interior.

Yeah, AFAIK it’s still parked in Romantieks yard with one of there old T-cabs.

Yeah, AFAIK it’s still parked in Romantieks yard with one of there old T-cabs.

As of last week, indeed it is. The T cab is a 6x2 420 tractor unit which was always UK-reg’d. There also remains a Renault premium, plus an older 580 which has been repainted red & white like Blissy’s old motor.

There have been many posts about this truck due to its interesting history. This is what it ended up looking like after it went to Moodys - a big improvement, what a stunning truck!

Who runs it now?

that scania sign theirs only one looks so much better on the back of cabs that wa i think but since thats so long it looks better than it would if the side was left blank

yea the bvba was a 620 so this truck isnt the same as its only a 580.

heres the bvba one.

this is actually a 620 which is ran by john.f.hogan this is dark blue and white with the new griffin on the side !
the ex mick moody one is now ran by caffrey interatonal in ireland which is a 580 1
and then the one which use to be black and gold is the silver one which is ran by garry george and this one ialso a 580 !

:laughing: i think them new griffins look chavvy & the “there is only one” thing looks ■■■■ what was wrong with the good old one ?

:lol: i think them new griffins look chavvy & the “there is only one” thing looks [zb] what was wrong with the good old one ?

It was a nice paint scheme I agree, but you wouldn’t have got more than 2 miles down the A14 before being pulled!!!

haha yeah thats also true