The Big Train is coming discussion

as regards training Rog,but even you must see the futility of this CPC

I do :exclamation: - it’s generally useless in it’s current form - a few courses are ok such as drivers hours WTD etc but only for those that NEED them.

This is supposed to be ‘training’ but how does anyone know what, if any, training a driver needs? - only by assessing their needs first which is not going to be done :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I’ve just realised that this discussion has been split from it’s original location :exclamation:

it didn’t take t\n long to jump into bed with the rest of them and start making money out of drivers. it could of done more to protest about the cpc. " by drivers for drivers" don’t make me laugh.

it didn’t take t\n long to jump into bed with the rest of them and start making money out of drivers. it could of done more to protest about the cpc. " by drivers for drivers" don’t make me laugh.

I don’t think that is a reasonable statement -

As far as periodic traing goes. I am in agreement, that its uneeded, But the fact is the law says we have to have it, I personally think it is another job creation scheme that actually has very little to do with actual job you all do.

How much do you think this site could really do to stop it :question:
It would mean massive lobbying from lots of EU countries to the EU Parliament for any change to happen…

it didn’t take t\n long to jump into bed with the rest of them and start making money out of drivers. it could of done more to protest about the cpc. " by drivers for drivers" don’t make me laugh.

I dont get where this opinion that RBI should be a charity comes from, It has always made money from selling its magazines to drivers amongst others and it holds a number of courses and conferences every year for the road haulage industry that also make a profit. After all it is a Company, that has employees and costs.

It has been said many many time that TruckNet is a discussion forum, part of the news and information website. It is not set up to, or desires to carry out campaigns. Other organisations do that, we dont.

The drivers CPC is a fact of life, RBI didnt create it, or ask for it, but it is here.

When you say jump into bed? with who? people like Mercedes. Renault? maybe you should refuse to drive their trucks as they also have the temerity to offer Driver CPC training. What about the Hauliers who are also offering this training, or the driver training schools?. The industry as a whole is gearing up to offer this training.

I dont see anyone forcing you to give RBI any of your money. If you dont want to go on the course offered then dont. If your boss wont pay for the training then find the cheapest deal you can.


it didn’t take t\n long to jump into bed with the rest of them and start making money out of drivers. it could of done more to protest about the cpc. " by drivers for drivers" don’t make me laugh.

I don’t think that is a reasonable statement -

As far as periodic traing goes. I am in agreement, that its uneeded, But the fact is the law says we have to have it, I personally think it is another job creation scheme that actually has very little to do with actual job you all do.

How much do you think this site could really do to stop it :question:
It would mean massive lobbying from lots of EU countries to the EU Parliament for any change to happen…

so what if it does i bet it would have had more praise from the readership than what it is doing now.
And if it got together with other forums to fight it, it could have made a difference.
But as it is i think it will loose a few readers.

so what if it does i bet it would have had more praise from the readership than what it is doing now.
And if it got together with other forums to fight it, it could have made a difference.

It might make some FEEL better if a lot did as you stated but that would be the end of it’s achievement - it would actually change - NOTHING

I have two thoughts. As the cost of training goes up eg. Drivers CPC; will a private individual be able to afford the cost any more. Secondly look about you on the road. Do you see any young people driving. What happens if all us oldies decide to call it a day in September 2014. A driver shortage maybe?.

lets hope the wheels dont come off the track… :laughing:

btw do overseas drivers also have to undertake this course, and if not how can they drive in this counrty without one in 5 years time?? :question:

as a johnny foreigner i asked mt boss about driver cpc and he has no idea what i was talking about!
mind you we don’t worry about periods of availability either because when europe brings out a rule most countries with a backbone say up yours whereas new labour say oh yes please mr europe how far do you want us to jump?

All EU country drivers will need to have the DQC after Sept 10 2014 but how they ‘aquire’ that card is up to individual countries :wink: :wink:


lets hope the wheels dont come off the track… :laughing:

btw do overseas drivers also have to undertake this course, and if not how can they drive in this counrty without one in 5 years time?? :question:

as a johnny foreigner i asked mt boss about driver cpc and he has no idea what i was talking about!
mind you we don’t worry about periods of availability either because when europe brings out a rule most countries with a backbone say up yours whereas new labour say oh yes please mr europe how far do you want us to jump?

Exactly we all know that in the end it will only be the UK who will abide by the rules ie if the French don’t like it they STRIKE :wink:

“Truck & Driver is 100% for drivers and 100% focused on their needs and interests.”

that made me smile, and if you know me i don’t do it much. :laughing: :laughing:

“Truck & Driver is 100% for drivers and 100% focused on their needs and interests.”

that made me smile, and if you know me i don’t do it much. :laughing: :laughing:

That explains allot it’s a comic like the Beano :laughing: :laughing: Rikki must be Andi capp then :laughing: :laughing:

Perhaps they looked into protesting about it but realised that to do so was a pointless exercise and a total waste of time and resources.

No point in trying to look good and then falling flat on your face :exclamation: :exclamation:

I wonder which part of “we are not a campaigning organisation” is so difficult to understand :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And I dont think its that speedy… as the drivers CPC has been talked about for ages and ages, and looking at the dirty great banner to the right of the page I hardly think Stealthy applies either. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

And I also dont think we are getting it the ear… a few people out of the 100’s that visit each day are making a noise, but as its the same ones as usual that complain about anything we do I mostly stopped taking much notice of them ages ago :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: especially when its well known that they are laughing and joking about trying to cause a little mayhem on here in other places :wink: :wink:

it seams to me that a few people don’t realize that with out RBI this site mite not be here and we as drivers would have to find another forum to go to and say the same as there are on here there have to advertise to pay for the site so we can discuss transport realated thing .not worry about adverts on this site you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to

it seams to me that a few people don’t realize that with out RBI this site mite not be here and we as drivers would have to find another forum to go to and say the same as there are on here there have to advertise to pay for the site so we can discuss transport realated thing .not worry about adverts on this site you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to

Rubbish it was sold to RBI to make a profit it does not cost allot to run a forum others manage it without too much trouble so don’t kid yourself :unamused:

STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thank God i retire in 2014 it just gets worse.Good all new drivers with deep pockets,because someone will think of some other usless thing YOU have got to pay for because you are on YOUR on your OWN.

Perhaps they looked into protesting about it but realised that to do so was a pointless exercise and a total waste of time and resources.

No point in trying to look good and then falling flat on your face :exclamation: :exclamation:

Its a good job Neville Chamberlain didn’t “look into protesting” to Hitler in 1939,and “realised it was a pointless excercise and a total waste of time and resources” aint it?