The a66 today/tonight/tomorrow

hi all, does anyone have any info wether the a66 is open? got to go to london tonight, and its my preferred route, although with the weather being a bit bad im not holding out much hope…

Open at the moment Mat

It’s a nice drive that way but if you absolutely have to get to London it’s got to be the motorway although there’s no guarantees!

I’ve always reasoned that if I have any doubts about conditions on the 66, keep off it !

I’d leave it well alone if you’ve got to be somewhere 100%, stick to the motorways your 99% of getting there then unless it snows again :exclamation:

Fly sheet

Drove down it this morning at 6am, all was good.

Not a lot of snow up there at all, very cold though, -4 at Scotch Corner side and -14 at Penrith

Hope that helps


would not trust that road , weather can change very quickly up there plus the fact i just hate that road at any time of the year .

it improved lots yesterday once they actally turned out with the gritters :unamused:

If Any of you have a smart phone I’d suggest book marking the traffic England website or downloading the highways agency (HA) app. So you can check current road conditions while out on the road

Trouble is with a road like the 66, the weather and conditions can change far quicker than any traffic info site can relay it. If you think there is a chance it could turn dodgy and have an alternative give it a miss, it may be a quicker option.

hi all, does anyone have any info wether the a66 is open? got to go to london tonight, and its my preferred route, although with the weather being a bit bad im not holding out much hope…

Your location is down as Suffolk ish. The above quote says your off to London.
Is the A 66 a short cut then? :smiley: :smiley:

I cant for the life of me wonder why anyone would use the 66 to get to london from glasgow by the time youve made it across and onto the A1,youll be down past manchester

I cant for the life of me wonder why anyone would use the 66 to get to london from glasgow by the time youve made it across and onto the A1,youll be down past manchester

christ what you in maverick

globby 480:

I cant for the life of me wonder why anyone would use the 66 to get to london from glasgow by the time youve made it across and onto the A1,youll be down past manchester

christ what you in maverick

Sprinter curtainsider :laughing: