The 15 min rule for vehicle checks



Obviously you would lie it down and strap it in using ratchets. Good grief no wonder we need the DCPC.

I had much trouble strapping the last one down, so we cut a hole in the roof & tried to avoid any bridges.

well thats probably a better way to do it
and more humanitarian
that way with no straps restricting the giraffes movement
he has more freedom
and not only that
he has fresh air and a good view of the route
a good tip to avoid bridges is to use a sat nav

You could train the giraffe to make a ‘thud’ type sound each time he hits a bridge.


Sounds like the load was restrained with internal straps with the hooks under the siderave. ie using where the curtain straps fasten as a restrain point is gonna become a no no.
Fixed lashing points is what VOSA are gonna be looking for.
That is something like D loops which are placed at frequent intervals along the trailer bed.

Please tell me where this and similar info about the future can be found. Thanks.

All in here, … cles-1.pdf

Section 4 and 16 I find particular intresting.

You could train the giraffe to make a ‘thud’ type sound each time he hits a bridge.

Or maybe just to bend down a little.


Dan Punchard:
Would that be on the cattle market?

Went past dinner time they were in the layby on the bypass

They’re usually in the layby on the Oswestry bound side.


Though town it is then !

One of our drivers got pulled by VOSA today at Welshpool and had the full works,once over the unit and trailer, security of the load,strapping and a look through the last 12 month on the tacho for infringements.
While all this was happening he had a chat to the VOSA chap and he asked about the so called 15 min rule most drivers say you have to show by law and the answer he got from the fella was that there is nothing in black and white stating you have to show 15 mins for vehicle checks and VOSA would only advise drivers not fine them if they didn’t show at least 15 mins. However if a driver was involved in a serious accident and his tacho showed he didnt show any mins on other work and set straight off after putting the tacho in then the [zb] would hit the fan.
He also said that they were in the process of informing transport company’s about fitting something along the lines of strapping point eyes(or something) so drivers haven’t got to use the hooks or the underside of the trailer when they can’t get the ratchet strap hooked under the trailer chassis(don’t know how this would work)
He was going to give him a prohibition for the height of the load(packs of 6 metre length plastic pipe stacked 3 high on a flat about 15 foot 6inch high) as he said they are also trying to bring in a law stating a load should not go higher than the headboard on the trailer but as the pipes had groves in where the straps would fit he said that it was ok.
Has anyone else had similar happen or been said to them from VOSA?

I have to log on iso-trac,put in manual entries,fill out paper work,do walk round checks,wash windows lights etc,it takes me about 15 mins+ to do it all properally

They’re usually in the layby on the Oswestry bound side.


VOSA or Giraffes ■■