That was some confusion for the border guys :-)

I was boarding the P&O ferry recently and I was following Bulgarian truck for the customs.

The guys there had some kind of hand held device where they were putting the plate numbers and they had a wee ZONK.

Never noticed it before: on a new style bulgarian plates, on the standard one signs patterns is
AB 1234 CD

but on the square one it actually looks like that:

:smiley: :smiley:

The guys were really confused what to do with it as for them actually the front (standard plate) was displaying different number from the rear (square one)… :slight_smile:

The Bulgarian Plates seems to still be a problem for UK guys despite introducing european letters as it was before. Once one driver from Plovdiv told me a story of when he was stopped in London by the police and they were confused how to put into their computer his numbers starting with letter “Ï€”.

Finally the one copper said to another “■■■■ it. Just make it 3.14…” :smiley:

I was boarding the P&O ferry recently and I was following Bulgarian truck for the customs.

The guys there had some kind of hand held device where they were putting the plate numbers and they had a wee ZONK.

Never noticed it before: on a new style bulgarian plates, on the standard one signs patterns is
AB 1234 CD

but on the square one it actually looks like that:

:smiley: :smiley:

The guys were really confused what to do with it as for them actually the front (standard plate) was displaying different number from the rear (square one)… :slight_smile:

The Bulgarian Plates seems to still be a problem for UK guys despite introducing european letters as it was before. Once one driver from Plovdiv told me a story of when he was stopped in London by the police and they were confused how to put into their computer his numbers starting with letter “Ï€”.

Finally the one copper said to another “■■■■ it. Just make it 3.14…” :smiley:


You’ve gotta admit though, it’d be a nightmare if they used the Bulgarian alphabet lol.

I’m sure my Lada in BG has the AB CD
1234 style number plate on the back…

It was probably a UK trailer hauled by a BG truck.

I have seen this before where a BG comapny have had a plate made (square) in the UK for use on UK trailers and the company stated that it is all they could get, whether it was down to the way plates have to be issued in the UK, I don’t know. I do know they couldn’t go anywhere until they used the right one!