That’s a spanner in the works..Mental Health

Well, to cut a long story short, I’ve got a couple of months off.

A little more in-depth, and I was involved in a road traffic incident a number of years back and have suffered and struggled with depression since. More recently, around October 2017, I had an episode and was picked up by the Police, then escorted to see the Mental Health team at the local hospital. From there I was referred to the “Access/Home Based Treatment” team, and saw a team of very helpful men and women that helped me get my head out of an extremely dark place, I even got some medication to help with mood etc.

Now, I informed the DVLA of this in October and they sent the forms out to me quite promptly, the lad on the end of the phone was quite helpful really. These forms were passed to the Consultant and filled in, and from what I was told, posted back to the DVLA Medical Dept the next morning.

Fast forward to January, and a letter dropped through the letter box saying they hadn’t received the forms back, and failure to do so would result in suspension of licences. So I rang them and they sent another form out, which I filled in to the best of my knowledge and returned, then spent a day chasing the consultant to find out if they had in fact sent the previous forms off, which I’ve never found out.

Anyway, fast forward, again, to today, 10/02/18, and they’ve made the decision to revoke all entitlements until I can provide proof of mental stability for a 6 month period, which has to be authenticated by GP, Consultant or other Medical Professional whose care I’ve been under.

The questions I wish to ask, are;

  • When does the 6 month period start?
  • Will I be required to take any additional tests to get my licence returned?
  • I’ve been discharged from the “Access/Home Based Treatment” team for around 3 months, so assume it will be my GP I’ll need to contact, or would the Consultant be a better choice?
  • Since starting medication, in Nov 2017, I can safely say my mood has changed for the better completely, surely this will be in my favour?

There are probably other questions that I should be asking, but those are what I’ve got so far.

Thankfully, the company I was/am working for are fantastic. The gaffer was in the yard when I got back today, and understood completely, and said to keep in touch, and that the job will still be there when/if I get my licence back.

Won’t lie, I shed a tear when I parked her up for the last time for a while…


Cannot answer your questions mate but all the best with everything!

Good luck pal.Its better to deal with it head on.I hope you get sorted out and get back in the truck asap.

All the best. Your best person to speak to maybe your CPN Home Visitor aa they will have kept records. Something like this could kick it all off again

Speak to your GP & of course the mental health team who helped / supported you

A few years back my licence was revoked by DVLA on medical grounds had many test etc my consultant sent all documentation back but DVLA said they hadn’t received them so sent again they then sat on all the info for several mth when I phoned them they said I would have to have them all done again as it had been several mth since I had last had them & anything could have happened another call to DVLA although by this time was a little economical my licence was returned with in 3 days with all entitlements on no further test etc

Don’t give up keep fighting the medical department but you may have been better not saying anything just taking some time off sick until you were ready & mental health team were happy

Good luck

Thanks for the kind words, it is appreciated.

SEC and BJ - their decision is a bit of a shock to say the least.

WN, I’ve been in touch with the CPN and GP, so far so good. Don’t see the point in getting angry about it, but hopefully time will pass quickly.

Animal, I’ve a couple of lines of enquiry that I need to explore as to how to tackle the DVLA. I’ve had quite a bit of time off previously for the same “condition” and managed to get this far. Because I sought medical assistance with it on the most recent relapse, it seems thechoice was to inform the DVLA myself and hope for a more positive decision from them, or the Medical team would inform them and the outcome could possibly have been worse.

So, there’s the reason for being honest in life - you get humped over.

I do have quite a list of bits that need to be finished at home however, so have been keeping busy so far.

Don’t hold breath with DVLA medical section those that have felt with them have not had a good experience even if you consultant etc recommend you can drive DVLA so no they want more evidence

Yep because of your honesty you get penalised by these idiots who think they know best

Keep busy at home for a bit but then when get bored you may still be fiting them

Here if you need / want any help support