That M5 pile up in the fog

The bad crash at Taunton,but they managed resurface and repair the road overnight very quickly,the point is if they can be done that quickly, why do we see signs of completion in 6 months or more for road works?
Some are a year or more??

The bad crash at Taunton,but they managed resurface and repair the road overnight very quickly,the point is if they can be done that quickly, why do we see signs of completion in 6 months or more for road works?
Some are a year or more

Hiya …i think one on the M1 said 60 months …it sounds less then 5 years

Because they were just re-newing the top surface not actually constructing a new motorway.

And it takes longer if they keep the motorway open while they work.

Plus the tarmac was hot

Wheel Nut:
Plus the tarmac was hot

Strange you should mention that, when I was working on J25 the weeks before doing the improvement works the asphalt didn’t come from tarmac. they wouldn’t open the plant at night and they were more expensive.