Thanks to whoever

last week therewas a nasty rta A1 newark where 2 waggons were involved with a tractor, this was bad for all involved and i hope they are ok, but in all this my wife was in her car on the sth bound carrigewayand was stationary for quite a while and it looked like a long one, she got out and approached the nearest truck, “excuse me my husbands a trucker and i know he always carries bottles of water, would you have any i could buy?” she was really thirsty and it was hot. the trucker did and shared it with her.
she did not get the haulier but it sounds like a red curtain sider

if you should be reading this or know the guy that it was thankyou for helping her, she had just broken her foot too. fortunatly her laft and she drives an auto

i wonder what he thought when this blonde walked up to his cab ■■?

Well done to the driver I would of done the same,

Good on ya lad :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

red curtain sider along there could well have been one of these:

Denby (lincoln) BIG white writing and usually yellow wheels
Marriotts of newark?
A.Rose of newark (especially if it was a scruffy looking truck)

Hope you find him mate, it’s always nice to get a pat on the back :slight_smile:

She is a very brave lady buying bottles of liquid from a truckdriver :smiley:

Well done that man says i :wink:

red curtain sider along there could well have been one of these:

Denby (lincoln) BIG white writing and usually yellow wheels
Marriotts of newark?
A.Rose of newark (especially if it was a scruffy looking truck)

Hope you find him mate, it’s always nice to get a pat on the back :slight_smile:

you forgot to add currys (unliveried) possably

what about D AND P haulage? They run out of hull. Red curtains,white lettering.

It could of been anybody from anywhere…More good press for our industry keep it up guys, we need to change peoples preconvieved ideas about us all that we are not all ‘knuckle dragging pee on the wheels muppets!!!’ Some of us have wives, girlfriends and boyfriends some have both. :open_mouth: …and some of us are nearlly human!!! Those of us who are not tend to be Security Wallhas :laughing: :laughing: .


good for her and him…

i always seem surprised at these situations, i mean i was stuck in french blockades once and got sent up to zeebruge and started queuing 7 km’s outside zeebruge. i was surprised by the lorries that sat there with their tellys on quite content while familys and kids sat in the queue with no food or drink for hours.

the same goes for when we had that 2" of snow about 6 years back when the m11 was closed again the lorries pulled their curtians round had some dinner watched telly and went to bed. now if i had been there i would have had as many sat in the cab as possible with the night heater going plus the tea to try and keep everyone happy. i dont care if people i help know who i am or not as long as ive helped.

It could of been anybody from anywhere…More good press for our industry keep it up guys, we need to change peoples preconvieved ideas about us all that we are not all ‘knuckle dragging pee on the wheels muppets!!!’ Some of us have wives, girlfriends and boyfriends some have both. :open_mouth: …and some of us are nearlly human!!! Those of us who are not tend to be Security Wallhas :laughing: :laughing: .


just noticed your location mate, where abouts in south lincs?

jessicas dad:
good for her and him…

i always seem surprised at these situations, i mean i was stuck in french blockades once and got sent up to zeebruge and started queuing 7 km’s outside zeebruge. i was surprised by the lorries that sat there with their tellys on quite content while familys and kids sat in the queue with no food or drink for hours.

the same goes for when we had that 2" of snow about 6 years back when the m11 was closed again the lorries pulled their curtians round had some dinner watched telly and went to bed. now if i had been there i would have had as many sat in the cab as possible with the night heater going plus the tea to try and keep everyone happy. i dont care if people i help know who i am or not as long as ive helped.

I like your attitude Alex…wish there more like you. At one time, years ago, we [truckers] were known as “The Knights Of The Road” who would stop and help anyone stranded at the roadside…days gone by now with the every man for himself attitude displayed by most. I wonder what shifted and when it happened to change that.

last week therewas a nasty rta A1 newark where 2 waggons were involved with a tractor, this was bad for all involved and i hope they are ok, but in all this my wife was in her car on the sth bound carrigewayand was stationary for quite a while and it looked like a long one, she got out and approached the nearest truck, “excuse me my husbands a trucker and i know he always carries bottles of water, would you have any i could buy?” she was really thirsty and it was hot. the trucker did and shared it with her.
she did not get the haulier but it sounds like a red curtain sider

if you should be reading this or know the guy that it was thankyou for helping her, she had just broken her foot too. fortunatly her laft and she drives an auto

i wonder what he thought when this blonde walked up to his cab ■■?

Yeah i remember, she walked up to me and said she was gagging and did i have the bottle, thought i was well in :unamused: