Thanks SNT Driver

Was travelling up the A1 north late Tuesday night when a SNT Driver flashed me over, One of the trailer brakes had stuck on and by the time I got around to the back of the trailer it was difficult to tell where the smoke was coming from :blush:

Anyway he was a massive help in getting it sorted so thanks if your on here, I posted this as there are a lot of negative posts regarding drivers so its nice to know there’s still people out there willing to go out of there way to help :slight_smile: and maybe the drivers a forum member or colleague can pass on my thanks.

Double post :blush:

More to the point, what kind of driver doesn’t know when he’s got a brake jammed on? The whole outfit would have been dragging its arse like ■■■■ down the road and you’d have had to have had the gas pedal flat to the floor. Just goes to show what thick ■■■■■ there are driving wagons these days.

Thats a bit harsh LHD, a brake binding will get hot and smoke, doesn’t have to be locked up…


LHD is correct it does go to show what thick ZB there are driving wagons, some of them haven’t a clue what they are talking about. The brake only has to be on a tiny bit, enough not to notice, for it to get hot, come back when you know what your talking about.

Was travelling up the A1 north late Tuesday night when a SNT Driver flashed me over, One of the trailer brakes had stuck on and by the time I got around to the back of the trailer it was difficult to tell where the smoke was coming from :blush:

Anyway he was a massive help in getting it sorted so thanks if your on here, I posted this as there are a lot of negative posts regarding drivers so its nice to know there’s still people out there willing to go out of there way to help :slight_smile: and maybe the drivers a forum member or colleague can pass on my thanks.

For the other thick ■■■■■ that can’t read.

A binding brake in the dark can be very easy to miss, especially if the outfit is heavily laden. Nice to see a fellow driver help another out rather than just ignoring it because it didn’t affect him.

Left hand down!:

Was travelling up the A1 north late Tuesday night when a SNT Driver flashed me over, One of the trailer brakes had stuck on and by the time I got around to the back of the trailer it was difficult to tell where the smoke was coming from :blush:

Anyway he was a massive help in getting it sorted so thanks if your on here, I posted this as there are a lot of negative posts regarding drivers so its nice to know there’s still people out there willing to go out of there way to help :slight_smile: and maybe the drivers a forum member or colleague can pass on my thanks.

For the other thick [zb] that can’t read.

And for them that think they can read
STUCK ON DONT MEAN LOCKED ON there be a big difference :unamused:

Look how quickly that turned from positive to negative. ‘Come back when you know what your talking about.’ Bit ott.

I’ll get the popcorn ready :wink:

Wow not what I expected, one brake binding double decker fully loaded being pulled by a gutless merc so no it didn’t struggle any more than usual

I said stuck meant binding shoot me!

Shame everybody isnt perfect like left hand down.

Shame everybody isnt perfect like left hand down.

He isn’t that perfect, he’s incapable of right turns, has to do 3 lefts :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice 1 to the SNT driver… Did you see the driver, because you mention ‘he’ but they’ve got a few ‘she’s’ working there, including a rather tasty red head :grimacing:

Got to love this place. Bitchier than an office full of women.

Got to love this place. Bitchier than an office full of women.

Did you just say that my arse looks big? :imp:

No but my mother wouldn’t even wear that dress. Brown ain’t your colour honey x

the maoster:

Got to love this place. Bitchier than an office full of women.

Did you just say that my arse looks big? :imp:

Whats that cming over the hill is it a

Maosters arse


Shame everybody isnt perfect like left hand down.

He isn’t that perfect, he’s incapable of right turns, has to do 3 lefts :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice 1 to the SNT driver… Did you see the driver, because you mention ‘he’ but they’ve got a few ‘she’s’ working there, including a rather tasty red head :grimacing:

Yes he pulled in behind me, Definitely a he lol

I was in my car (Mrs was driving) a while ago and was overtaking a foreign wagon, one of his trailer brakes/hubs was glowing orange but the wheel was still turning, didnt seemed to be dragging.
I tried to flag him down and point to let him know but he either thought I was mad or trying to rob him as he just seemed to carry on.

That was until something caught fire and he saw the smoke :laughing: