Thank You

Just wanted to say thank you for reverting to the old board style :smiley:

Personally I got used to the orange style to the point where I could live with it but it never really grew on me, so I’m pleased to see this style and colour scheme back.

Thank you :wink:

I forgot how rubbish it looked. Much prefer the Orange with all the links and the top stories scrolling.

Gonnae do me a favour and no change it again in a few months when you realise the news site isn’t get the same amount of hits.

I think style is temporary while they tinker with the new one.

This new style ■■■■■. the orange one was the best one ever. Even the one before the orange one was better than this abomination. We have been sold down the river again. Won’t someone please think of the posters. So called professional website. :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

Glad this is back and goodbye to the orange crap. I can go back to accessing the forums via the PC more instead of Tapatalk now I don’t have to avoid the orange.

The future is a bluey tinge :laughing:

The past was Orange preceded by a different bluey tinge.

This version:


The orange version:

Don't like.jpg

I see TruckNet has dropped the orange colour scheme and gone back to the old blue board colours. Personally I’m glad because it was always far less strain on the eyes.

Is this change likely to be permanent?

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=76323 :wink:

I am guessing that behind the scenes, there has been some kind of falling out between TruckNet and

We are still here but very soon wont be :unamused:
all is explained in the link I posted above :wink:

but here is a clue…

As such will be replaced by websites based around our print titles, the first of these based on Commercial Motor will be going live soon.

i have no idea why it has changed but it is much easier to read than the new one.