Thank you Cliff

Thank you Cliff, … Am I to take it you sent all this beautiful weather up here :question:
Hard to believe that last Thursday I was driving in snow on the Mass Pike and Today (Monday) it is 89f :sunglasses:

Yeah! :wink: :sunglasses: :wink:

Unlike you sending all that bloody freezing weather down here last week, I thought I would be real neighbourly and send you up some that warm Gulf Air that we have down here!, the weather is just perfect right now, warm/hot but not yet really humid.

As for that weather last week, it dumped 8 inches of snow in Tennessee, and an inch in Georgia, unheard of at this time of year, but it did’nt last long by the same afternoon it was back into the 70’s and into the 80’s again :sunglasses:

The longer winter goes on the more home sick I get, but once the wamer weather arrives you can forget the UK. It was good last night to sit out on the porch with hot winds blowing around and having to run the A/C again, …
… You can keep that British weather for the next few lonths thank you :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: