Tests Booked

Well, I booked my theory and Hazard perception test today… taking it on the 10th at Durham. My practical is on the 4th Dec…Oooooh not long now.

Nervous… me… never…

Best of luck with your tests, not that I think you need luck.

With any justice, there’ll be one more of us and one less of them, come Dec’

Good luck with the theory,mate,if you have swatted up you should breeze thru it.
Can’t help with the hazard test tho, as I got in just before they started it lol.
My class 1 test takes place two weeks this very day, at 1pm in Botley,near Southampton. The nerves are starting to tingle just a little now, come nearer the time I will no doubt be spending more time in the toilet!!!

Good luck,once again.


just passed my Theory and hazard perception tests, and have my lessons and test booked for second week of January on my Class two.

Read thru the book, it looks long winded, but i only read one section per evening, and then tested myself by covering the answers the next night before starting the next section.

Remember to save time, look out for the questions with the “bus sign”…don’t need to read them! there is a whole section you skip later in the book thats for buses and PSV only.

i didn’t even open the hazard perception video! just went for it! its easy if you understand the way it works from the start, listen to the explanations and its a breeze.

Good luck Sir Thanksalot…and get back here with a smilie face! :smiley:

Best of luck with your Theory Test.

As for the Hazard Perception part, well that has caused a lot of controversy and has been heavily criticised both in the Driver training press and at Focus Group meetings.

The difficulties appears to stem from the fact that it was originally designed for ‘L’ drivers and their responses to ‘developing hazards’. The problems started when it then became compulsory for Vocational Licences, not just Truck and 'Bus, but Trainee ADI’s as well.

It seems that the main problem lay in the ‘experienced’ driver identifying the ‘developing hazard’ prior to the ‘scoring window’ opening with the result that they obtained zero for that clip.

For anyone practising with the Focus CD’s, watch out for the sequence where you pass under a Motorway junction and then see vehicles joining from the slip road on the left. If you ‘click’ as soon as you see the vehicles, then you will score 0, because the ‘scoring window’ has not yet opened.

Whether or not the DSA have recognised the failing in their system and brought the ‘scoring window’ forward, and extended the 5 point ‘click’ time, for Vocational tests (or even all tests) can only remain a matter for speculation.

However, the advice within the Training Industry is, when identifying a ‘developing hazard’ to think Mirror, Signal, Manouevre, and ‘click’ for all three. And if anything suddenly changes, do the same thing again.

Tip. Treat ANY vehicle parked at the nearside kerb as a potential ‘developing hazard’ and ‘click’ as soon as it comes into view. If it then transpires to be part of a ‘developing hazard’ you MAY have scored at the top end of the ‘scoring window’. You certainly won’t have lost anything.

Nervous… me… never…

I have never known one who wasn`t.

As test day approaches, you will become increasingly nervous.

The wait in the waiting room is probably the most terrifying experience known to man. Same for all of us, matey.

But here`s the thing. The moment the test starts, the nerves completely disappear. The adrenalins take over, and you move into a detatched, dispassionate state.

You`ll be all right, Son. Mystic Vince predicts a pass, with five minor faults.


Hi everyone, Passed both Theory(35/35) and Haz Perceprion (63/75)…

Thanks to all for the advice, and for anyone reading this thread, who’s thinking of doing the test, or are going to do the test, It’s all in the prep work, read the books…do the demo cd and you’ll breeze it…but my finger was shaking like mad for the first couple of questions on the HPT.

Roll on the practical, on the 4th Dec.

Slater folks :smiley:

Well done, and the best of luck your test.

Congratulations on passing your theory…bet you’re well chuffed, celebration time indeed!

Am sitting mine on wednesday in Leeds…am feeling prepared with the theory part, the hazard perception is another matter!

Well done again. Rob

Cheers Rob, and good luck for tomorrow. If you’ve done the ground work I’m sure you’ll be fine. Do the practice and even if your confident with the theory and the answers you’ve given, Rewiew all the answers again, just to make sure, it doesn’t take long. Then take the full 3 minutes before the Hazard Perception Test, just as a break. Remeber to look at all the information given to you, I think I marked low on one as I was concentrating on the movements of a van on the right emerging and a woman ran in from the left.

Good luck again, lets know how you get on.


Hey… Well Done!! Sirthanksalot…

But is that the Easy bit or the hard bit out the way… LOL

Way to go mate…


Congrat’s so far, Sirthanksalot.

Best of luck for your training n test, keep us up to date on how you’re doing.