
spaces.msn.com/members/britmark/ … 1_photoalb

:confused: It says this Mark

Oh don’t know what’s happened there!

try this one then
spaces.msn.com/members/britmark/ … photoalbum

:smiley: Try Here Mark, its a lot easier. Browse - copy - paste. :smiley:

try this one then
spaces.msn.com/members/britmark/ … photoalbum

:frowning: Nope, exactly the same. :wink:

try this one then
spaces.msn.com/members/britmark/ … photoalbum

still the same :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I give up then

Thanks for ya help guys.

I think the only people that can view it is the folk in my messenger

:smiley: Try Here Mark, its a lot easier. Browse - copy - paste. :smiley:

:open_mouth: Have a look and try this above - easy. :smiley:

oh it worked

Thanks for that Dafman

Thinking of doing some trip reports.


:frowning: I can only see a red cross Mark. :wink:


I deleted from that site so that maybe why!!

Try again

wish it was mine

It worked before


Try again

wish it was mine

It worked before


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: There’s a photo there, where did that come from ? :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:

Looks like a millions worth at least. :confused:

that was taken at ipswich.

Very Nice :smiley:

Only getting the Firefox equivalent to a red cross now Mark.

Have you actualy uploaded it onto a site? Or is it being downloaded from your 'puter when you are on-line?
Stupid question I know, but I’ve done it, so anyone else can too. :open_mouth: :smiley:

I have deleted it from the site i put it on i should delete this topic.

Don’t bother mate, that last post explains why nothing is showing.

Have you filled up your Album in the TrucknetUK Online Photo Store ? Its free to use and pretty quick to download from.

Which site are you using to store your photos?