Test nerves

test nerves always get the better of me any tips to overcome them

Avoid self-fulfilling prophecies: If you already believe you’re always going to be nervous then that mindset will make it a reality. Whatever kind of test you’re talking about, get as much practice in as you can.

I’m going to assume you are talking about a driving test. Don’t overthink it - don’t think ahead by trying to guess which route you will be asked to take. Live each moment and respond to each instruction as it comes, Focus on it and execute it and don’t dwell. Imagine you are videoing yourself driving around and focus on you and your lorry looking your absolute best at each manoeuvre. Good luck.

Excellent point about the lorry looking it’s best at every manoeuvre. I have had this in my head for the last few days driving and I definitely think it helps.

I would say that the main practical point that helps you achieve this is speed on approach. Get the speed down and manoeuvres such as roundabouts and junctions become far easier and more comfortable too.

Hope all is well with you driveress and you’re still enjoying it on the agency work!

Another good point Goff118, which reminds me of my rigid training. Two of the things my trainer used to repeat endlessly and which is why I remember them were “Slow it all down” and “Stay AWAY from the roundabout” !! One more, this time on my artic training on how to decide when to pull onto the roundabout, think : would I pull out if I was the distance of three cars back from the roundabout?

I’m still enjoying the agency work thanks, hope it’s still working out for you too.

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Yea, so far so good! I’m usually getting 3 shifts a week which is perfect, so I hoping that continues until the end of the year.

They were recently advertising for full time drivers so I have applied and will see what happens. If I am offered it, it’s going to be a tricky decision whether to give up the extra spare time and flexibility for the guaranteed money and security!