Tesco Meeting

I got no reply to my e/mails, just an acknowledgement.
Hence the letters.

My letters to David Potts and Terry Leahy have both been passed on to Alex Laffey ready for the meeting.

I think e/mails get “Deleted somewhere in the line”
Letters do have a better response.

Of course, the one issue no one seems to have mentioned is this … If Tesco’s employees (some of whom I would not let operate a lift let alone an electric pumper) stopped sodding about and got their fingers out, there would be no need for drivers to need facilities!!! Why is it that one day, you can go in and be tipped in 20 minutes and the next it takes 5 hours?? Why is it you can go into Snodland and the +10 or frozen sections and be in and out in 30 minutes yet +3 is a disgrace■■? I have not forgiven them for last year… the night England played Portugal in Euro 2004! I got there at 6pm. I took the last available bay. Now it was only 6pm YET NOT ONE MOTOR WAS TIPPED AND OUT OF THERE BEFORE THE END OF THE GAME!!! Bearing in mind, it went to extra time AND penalties!!! How often do you arrive at a RDC and they say, you have to wait for the next shift, WHICH DOESN’T START FOR ANOTHER 45 MINUTES?
If Tesco employed some people who were concerned about doing their own job instead of worrying about whether the driver has a high vis on or not, we wouldn’t need facilities.

Barry, I admire your tenacity in trying to solve this problem but please remind Mr. Laffey… TO CURE A PROBLEM, YOU NEED TO FIND THE CAUSE!!.
The cause is not idle Goods In staff or H&S fanatics at the gate! It is the bone idleness of the people that actually do the tipping!! I have had lads that have taken an hour to take 26 pallets off … is this good enough?? Of course it isn’t and Mr Tesco should realise that. Nursling tried to implement a “turn round of maximum one hour”…now if the tippers are having a bad day and can’t be bothered to work hard then that implementation goes out the window!
Good Luck, Barry and keep up the good fight

I agree 100%.

The problem of leaving the cab would not even be an issue if you didn’t have wait so long to get tipped.I’m just glad that my new work no longer involves RDC’s.I have personally waited in excess of 7 hours to be tipped at Tesco (Daventry) I also know of half a dozen subbies for Hanbury waiting in excess of 8 or 9 hours at Chesterfield.One subbie recently had to do 2 drop 1st Daventry then Chesterfield from 1 container.
He was put on a bay after a 2 hour wait at Daventry -they only removed 2 pallets saying that Chesterfields delivery was in the way of the rest of their pallets.
He then goes to Chesterfield to deliver the pallets that are blocking the rest of the Daventry load and is tipped at lightening speed of only around 6 hours.
Chesterfield has only taken off the rear 2 pallets when he enquires as to why they have only taken 2 pallets off they inform him that is all they have in that container.
He now returns to Daventry to unload the rest of their delivery but they refuse him entry because he should’ve been there at 08.00am
he informs them that he WAS there at 08.00 and they sent him to Chesterfield because they wouldn’t unload then reload 2 pallets he is told that he cant be tipped until the job is rebooked.

Now with effiencies like that is it any wonder drivers hate being told they are going to Tesco (unless they are hourly paid of course)

If Tesco were truly worried about the safety of their (contracted out) labour force then they would insist the companies who win the contracts to service these RDC’s fit loading bay wheel locks.
That way it would be impossible for a vehicle to move without being “released” by the loading bay staff.

If you would like to see an example of a good system visit Avon Tyres site at Melksham

There is also a company HERE that uses bay wheel locks. Can’t think of the name of it but they produce plastic film. On the first (and only) visit I was given a FULL safety briefing. My ‘attire’ was inspected. And best of all, it was done in a friendly, non-threatening, manner.

Going back to the subject of Tesco.

Hinckley. Drivers toilet. (I’m sure I’m getting a fixation about toilets :laughing: ) A stainless steel affair, circa 1960’s, with two plastic half-moons to squat upon. Except that one of them had become detached through corrosion and was lying on top of the cistern. I’d rather squat in the yard than sit on THAT contraption.

Facilities at Tesco RDCs are one of the issues I will be bringing to their attention.
Photographs are more likely to shame them into making changes than word of mouth.
So if you have your camera phone handy
You know what to do.
Post them on here or simply e/mail them to me

There is also a company HERE that uses bay wheel locks. Can’t think of the name of it but they produce plastic film. On the first (and only) visit I was given a FULL safety briefing. My ‘attire’ was inspected. And best of all, it was done in a friendly, non-threatening, manner.

Going back to the subject of Tesco.

Hinckley. Drivers toilet. (I’m sure I’m getting a fixation about toilets :laughing: ) A stainless steel affair, circa 1960’s, with two plastic half-moons to squat upon. Except that one of them had become detached through corrosion and was lying on top of the cistern. I’d rather squat in the yard than sit on THAT contraption.

Yes I hate those too Ken. They allus look dirty when in fact sometimes they’ve just been cleaned. When they are dirty - bleugh. These are also to be found at the “driver’s” toilets at Hartshead Moor MSA westbound and also the Bury St.Edmund’s truck park :angry: amongst other places.

Pfffff you think tescos is bad heres the drivers restroom at one of my regular jobs

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Needless to say i told the guy id rather [zb] myself than use that


How about getting Tesco to agree to something like this at your meeting. ?

Every driver gets something like this signed before he hands over keys , let Tesco take a bit of responsibility for their actions


To Tesco RDC ………………………………… ( location )

Date ……………………………… Time …………

We confirm receipt of keys for vehicle no ………………………

from driver Mr / Mrs / M s ……………………

As the driver of the vehicle is not allowed to stay with this vehicle whilst it is being being unloaded and therefore has no control over it ,Tesco accept full responsibility for loss and damage to the unit and trailer , for contents of cab and the load , until the driver is again in possession of his keys and is allowed to return to the vehicle .


Name , position , e g Shift Leader, ID badge Number.

How about getting Tesco to agree to something like this at your meeting. ?

Every driver gets something like this signed before he hands over keys , let Tesco take a bit of responsibility for their actions


To Tesco RDC ………………………………… ( location )

Date ……………………………… Time …………

We confirm receipt of keys for vehicle no ………………………

from driver Mr / Mrs / M s ……………………

As the driver of the vehicle is not allowed to stay with this vehicle whilst it is being being unloaded and therefore has no control over it ,Tesco accept full responsibility for loss and damage to the unit and trailer , for contents of cab and the load , until the driver is again in possession of his keys and is allowed to return to the vehicle .


Name , position , e g Shift Leader, ID badge Number.

Very good, this person that thinks themselves high enough to have control of the vehicle keys should probably have a full current HGV 1 licence, and of course their own fully covered insurance certificate.

How about getting Tesco to agree to something like this at your meeting. ?

Every driver gets something like this signed before he hands over keys , let Tesco take a bit of responsibility for their actions


To Tesco RDC ………………………………… ( location )

Date ……………………………… Time …………

We confirm receipt of keys for vehicle no ………………………
from driver Mr / Mrs / M s ……………………

As the driver of the vehicle is not allowed to stay with this vehicle whilst it is being being unloaded and therefore has no control over it ,Tesco accept full responsibility for loss and damage to the unit and trailer , for contents of cab and the load , until the driver is again in possession of his keys and is allowed to return to the vehicle .


Name , position , e g Shift Leader, ID badge Number.

The idea is Ok, at a last resort.
My principle aim will be to stop drivers being evicted from their homes, there is no need for it, as other safety measures are just as reliable.

As I said before, you are the ones that deliver so keep the comments coming in,

“SimonRS2K” I hope you have also sent the photo’s to H&S, they would have a field day.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Happy Days!
No more Tesco after this week!!
More Morrisons and Aldi 4 me!!.. :unamused:

i dont know if it is a direct result from hassle from drivers but when i was in tesco at MK yesterday they where measurng up to re-fit the drivers waiting room.

i think it would also be a good idea to bring to Tesco’s attension the recent industrial action with gategourmet and the affect it had on BA. It only takes one or two to say sod that5 im not doing anymore tescos till i get treated better then they will find them selves in BA’s situation


The idea is Ok, at a last resort.
My principle aim will be to stop drivers being evicted from their homes, there is no need for it, as other safety measures are just as reliable.


This is exactly the point Baz. It can’t be classed as a real rest break unless you are free to do with your time as you wish - which includes going to bed if you want to.

Salut, David.

Er… The meeting with Tesco happened 4 days ago. How come nothing’s been said about it?


rome was not built ina day ROB give the man some time and he will place the facts on the site,after he has finalised the report,

Rob K:
Er… The meeting with Tesco happened 4 days ago. How come nothing’s been said about it?

I will not jeapordise the communication lines or mis-lead any member on this forum by not posting the truth.

The meeting went ahead as planned and for 2 hours we talked, debated, disagreed, and talked again.
Tesco are a big Company Rob K and I have to await their official outcome of the meeting before I can go public with anything. this takes a bit of time as some things discussed need to go to board level.

One thing that I can say is “all” Tesco canteen and restaurant facilities are now available to “all” visiting drivers and if anyone is refused please inform me.

A lot more will follow and as soon as I can, you will be one of the first to know

:smiley: Well done Barrie for getting this far with those mis-informed self righteous personages. :imp: What you have said makes sense. :wink:

Good work Bazman, at least it looks as if we might be getting somewhere!! :smiley: :smiley: I think if they don’t give way they might be in for a very rude awakening!

I have just contacted Mr Laffey, and I will be getting Tesco response next week.
As soon as I get it I will post on here for you.

One thing that I can say is “all” Tesco canteen and restaurant facilities are now available to “all” visiting drivers and if anyone is refused please inform me.

Yes i noticed this week that there is a notice on the notice board in the goods in waiting room at Thurrock to this effect, plus there is notice telling you that they are currently acheaving a turn around average of 70 to 85 mins per lorry, although any wait is not really acceptable, at least they’re trying to communicate with you about the state of things. But to this downside of not being allowed to wait in your cab there is an unexpected upside, that is that some drivers are talking to each other :open_mouth: i know we’d got used to sitting on our own in cafes or getting grub from a snack bar and eating in your cab, but really it is good to talk, even if it is only to compare grumbles :wink:


brit pete:
toilet paper has been flused down the loo,s. , WHY■■? i dont know i guess its just a mentality thing of some who think the world owes them something?.

What vandals!