Tesco Meeting

I continue to read all the post.

I will be taking to the meetings as many of the issues as possible, but will have to maintain the important ones.

My last meeting with Tesco gave distinct promises that have not been met.
Also suggestions were put forward to assist a faster turnaround, some have been put in place others have not.

By the time the meeting comes I hope via comments on sites to have enough information to tackle many issues.
How many will be acted on we will have to wait and see.

it would perhaps stop everyone heading for break at the same time, you could split the shifts into countries, so at the first break all the poles go, second break is the asians and the next is the english etc.
this way you won’t get the english lads trying to sneak off with their mate the pole because he would have nothing to say to each other.

PMSL … sorry

In my experience of tesco’s

Doncaster… 7 hours wait was the longest and i was never tipped within an hour… not allowed to use canteen facilities, tesco staff only. Toilets, i managed but that was that. Keys had to be handed in

Snodland… under an hour tip, no facilities for drivers, a coffee machine, and a toilet… i’d rather pee under me trailer! Keys had to be handed in

Chepstow… was never tipped here quick, always 2 + hours… sat in there for 6 hours once… didn’t mind coz i was being paid a handsome hourly rate, gets boring though. Was allowed to walk round and use the canteen though. cheers chep! keys had to be handed in

Nursling… never had any problems, tipped in under an hour, no facilities for drivers though and again keys had to be handed in.

Hinkley… varied from an hour tip, to me actually ringing up the yard and saying wither get me tipped or i’m coming back with the load. The longest i was in there was 6 hours… no canteen facilities for drivers. keys had to be handed in. Had to stay in the cab.

Maagor!!! over seas, explains there slow time, only had 14 pallets and it took, wait for it…

4 and a half hours! A coffee machine and toilets, had to stay in cab otherwise! Keys had to be handed in.

Didcot… always straight in and out here, staff friendly, toilets clean, coffee machine, well it tasted like coffee! Keys had to be handed in.

Harlow… Never a problem here either, always straight on the bay and tipped sharpish. keys had to go in, but by the time i got back it was green light done and dusted.

And that’s it i think of my experience at tesco’s RDC’s…

A question you could raise… we all have a booking reference and a time slot, which if it’s not kept to they go besurk, so ok, we have done the right thing and turned up on time so how about they actually start tipping us within a reasonable time and not treat us like scum!

I think there ads for good in staff goes a little like this… “applicant required, no sense of humour, must be arrogant and must be as grumpy as he/she can be at all times!” :laughing:

Regarding Language:

At Harlow, it seems that if you don’t speak English, then they don’t make you vacate your cab.

From now on, I’ll greet the intake clerk with a “!Hola!”.

I’ve been going there for 9 years. Do you think they’d notice?

i am now able to confirm the meeting with Tesco.

I will be meeting with Mr Alex Laffey (Director for Transport Tesco)
at 9.30am 30th September.

268 postings in total now on the subject of Tesco 99.9% from drivers Excellent to have all the information.
Maybe by some miracle some Companies mught contact me with some information as they must be losing money with the delays. :question: :question: :question: (I am allowed to dream) :unamused:

Keep the information coming and thanks for all the information supplied so far.

i am now able to confirm the meeting with Tesco.

I will be meeting with Mr Alex Laffey (Director for Transport Tesco)
at 9.30am 30th September.

268 postings in total now on the subject of Tesco 99.9% from drivers Excellent to have all the information.
Maybe by some miracle some Companies mught contact me with some information as they must be losing money with the delays. :question: :question: :question: (I am allowed to dream) :unamused:

Keep the information coming and thanks for all the information supplied so far

Hi Maggie the Magnum here and I’m new to this site so please bear with me. My husband, an owner driver subcontracted to a container haulier delivered to Chesterfield on Monday 5th for a 1400 booking and departed there at 1930 , 5.5 hours on site.The knock on effect was being late for my second booking with them on Tuesday 6th at 12-00. I arrived at 15-40hours and put on a bay at 19-50 hours. At 22-30 hours I gave up waiting and retired to by bunk on site. Container unloaded at 03-15 Wednesday . Trying to retreive paperwork however proved difficult as it had not been processed. Eventually leaving Chesterfield at 07-50hours. The Manager at Chesterfield did invite me to use the canteen facilities. There was a vending machine available unless I was prepared to wait until 01-30 hours for a cooked meal! Container delivery meant I was able to drop the trailer and stay in my cab. Other drivers there at the same time as myself had no choice but to lock up and wait in the rest room. The company I sub contract to have offered £230 for over night delay. however as I am paid by mileage yes indeed you have one company albeit a small one losing money at the expense of Tesco.

maggie the magnum:
Hi Maggie the Magnum here and I’m new to this site so please bear with me.
Welcome to the site “Maggie”

yes indeed you have one company albeit a small one losing money at the expense of Tesco.

Owner drivers must be suffering more than us employed, what with fuel and delays.
There are a good number of O/D on this forum Maggie, and have offered me as much support as the employed.

I was having a dig at the “Big Boys” in the industry, that seem content to sit back and let “their” drivers fight for their rights.
Although Companies gain from drivers standing up and acting, on issues like fuel, and RDCs you never (or rarely)see any backing from them. They Do read these forums and know exactly what is happening, yet no support is offered to Truckers, as long as the wheels turn and they make money they do not care less about us.
If I am wrong then prove it ■■?

These forums are allowing truckers to talk and debate on issues, Tesco has agreed to meet me because of the backlash from Truckers, and is showing the power of the internet.
Are our Industry Bosses afraid of us Uniting■■?
One Day they will offer support, once they see Truckers are not going to sit back and take everything that is thrown at them, like has been happening over the years.
The Tide will Turn.

With regards to tesco locking drivers out of there cabs i have contacted cheshire county council enviromental health department ( this was the department i was put through to anyway ) it seems that tesco are breaching some human rights issues as in some drivers carry there food and drink with them in there cabs or cannot afford to use the restaurants at tesco sites even if they were made available to us we have no drivers in this industry now and no wonder with companies like tescos persicuting people like this also some of the drivers who are delivering to tescos are already customers but if treeted this way the may become customers of sainsburys or morrisons or asda etc.etc also it is against human rights to deney peolpe accsess to food and drink after all this is the year 2005 not 1805

Welcome to TNUK Nightflyer

Cheers kitkat i am sure we will get it sorted am on mates computer at minuet tommorow we will get the T.G.W.U. involved and stand by with the big guns think we can cause trouble for tesco you ain’t seen nothing yet. watch this space

Cheers kitkat i am sure we will get it sorted am on mates computer at minuet tommorow we will get the T.G.W.U. involved and stand by with the big guns think we can cause trouble for tesco you ain’t seen nothing yet. watch this space

Unless the TGWU are blind and deaf they will already know about this, and have shown no interest. and possibly never will.

The “Big Guns” are already on the case, “Drivers Uniting”

Talking is always the best approach and tends to bring results, there is no need to cause trouble until the last resort after all other attempts have failed.

Are our Industry Bosses afraid of us Uniting■■?

No Barrie. They’re all too afraid of upsetting Tesco and losing the business. That’s what it comes down to.

Anyway, will be looking forward to reading the outcome of your meeting with The Exceedingly Self-Centred Organisation :smiley: :sunglasses: .

Just sent this email to the top man at tesco (terry.leahy@tesco.com).

Mr Leahy,

You will have noticed the upset that Tesco has caused all suppliers’ drivers.

Due to one unfortunate incident and what looks to us all like an ill considered knee-jerk reaction, Tesco has alienated many hundreds of people and their families. Many of these people were faithful Tesco customers.

What I once saw as a general sense of goodwill between suppliers’ drivers and Tesco, has turned into a seething resentment in the faces of the drivers.

My wife and I used to spend an average of over £100 per week at our Tesco Extra in Peterborough, on groceries, electricals, clothing and other things. We also used Tesco.com. That’s getting on for £6000 per year. I know for a fact that some of my colleagues have stopped shopping there too. How many more in other companies? It’s not a case of cutting off our noses to spite our faces. We really no longer have any positive feelings towards Tesco.

Let’s consider why:

I have been delivering produce to Tesco Distribution Centres for nine years, and have always been allowed to rest in my vehicle. After an early morning drive, on arrival at my booking time (which is usually the early hours), I need to catch up on my sleep. That’s all I want to do. Not sit in a prison cell with other drivers.

What I’m getting now is, if I’m lucky, an hour or two standing waiting to be tipped, and then I’m put back on the road network more tired than before. Now THAT doesn’t seem like any kind of Health and Safety policy to me.

This is happening to hundreds of drivers. It’s quite frightening, isn’t it?

If, heaven forefend, a fatal accident occurs, involving one of these drivers, naturally people are going to ask questions. Why was this driver tired?
This is not the sort of press that Tesco wants. Lets all try to make sure it never happens.

There is no need for a driver to vacate his or her vehicle while being tipped. The Goods-in office has the keys. If a driver pulls off the bay on a red light with spare keys, then he should be dealt with severely. Meaning a life ban from the site or something similar. I’m sure you have been briefed on the mechanical alternatives, such as the red air line lock.

We have all been tarred with the same brush here. It’s not fair. We all have a job to do. Our working day doesn’t finish when we exit the gate. We need rest. We need to fit it in somewhere, especially now with the Working Time Directive making things more complicated.

Most of us professional drivers are quite used to being treated like second-class citizens, on the road and at RDCs. We’re thick skinned, we can cope with that. What’s happening here is something much more fundamental. This is affecting our mental and physical states. This isn’t safe.

Please give careful consideration to these issues. We all want to work safely, and be profitable. Tesco as well. I would like to be able to go back into my local Tesco store and start spending money again. I can’t do it right now.

I have enclosed an attachment containing some pictures from Chill 2 at Harlow. I think the drivers’ room and the “safe” walkways speak for themselves.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear from you soon, and I hope that I have managed to convey adequately the feelings of myself and many others.

Kind Regards

Might wake them up…

I have enclosed an attachment containing some pictures from Chill 2 at Harlow. I think the drivers’ room and the “safe” walkways speak for themselves.

Good well written letter, “Blue222”
Any chance of a copy of the photo’s :question:

Look in your inbox, bazman

Look in your inbox, bazman

Good on yer mate :smiley:

Hey Bazman,

still no reply from the top man TERRY.LEAHY@TESCO.COM :open_mouth:

I know his emails get read, as i emailed him with a complaint about a dozen red roses last valentine’s. Got my £20 back… :wink:

In case you boys didn’t get that, it’s TERRY.LEAHY@TESCO.COM

Be polite!.. :smiley:

Hey, what happened to my links!!

Hey, what happened to my links!!

The UBB code you put around the e-mail links confused the software, I have edited them and they work now

Top man… :smiley: