Terry's 'Help Plz' thread in the Health forum

How on earth does a site like this permit such a travesty of a thread as this to persist?
I can understand how much of a sewermouth Lucy can be, her husband too, having been on the receiving end myself, but what about Lindsay? Admittedly you tried to lock it but were overruled, but do you really think that moving it to Bully’s and leaving it for all families, young and old, to read in Health and FAMILY (your capitals) forum solves it?
And what about Pam and Denis in Bully’s? What happened to your morals?
I only dip into H&F to see how the late Steve and my mate George are getting on and see while I am there the others with genuine problems who find help and understanding. This sort of crap must surely make them feel really good.
One last question for Rikki. Have your bosses at Reed seen this thread and your offsider’s part in it? I wonder how they reacted.
I thought not, they haven’t have they?

As always David, its a balancing act between whats acceptable on a website primarily for adults , but to which younger people have access. The subject was borderline, as I suspect it was deliberatly intended to be.

Now you want it removed, I suspect that others would shout equally loudly if we had, we cant please all the people all the time.

Bullys bar has always had a slightly more realxed attitude than the rest of the forums and therefore the appropriate place for the thread. I hadnt realised that the shadow link had been left in H&F and have removed that.

I apologise that your moral sensibilities were offended, but as I said you cant please everyone all the time.

How on earth does a site like this permit such a travesty of a thread as this to persist?
I can understand how much of a sewermouth Lucy can be, her husband too, having been on the receiving end myself, but what about Lindsay? Admittedly you tried to lock it but were overruled, but do you really think that moving it to Bully’s and leaving it for all families, young and old, to read in Health and FAMILY (your capitals) forum solves it?
And what about Pam and Denis in Bully’s? What happened to your morals?
I only dip into H&F to see how the late Steve and my mate George are getting on and see while I am there the others with genuine problems who find help and understanding. This sort of crap must surely make them feel really good.
One last question for Rikki. Have your bosses at Reed seen this thread and your offsider’s part in it? I wonder how they reacted.
I thought not, they haven’t have they?

You must be a bundle of laughs at a Party :unamused:

With all the problems on this planet at the present moment I would that this thread would have been the least of anyones worries, no one forces anyone to read it.

With all the problems on this planet at the present moment I would that this thread would have been the least of anyones worries, no one forces anyone to read it.

No, they don’t, but it is the fact that this was in the Health and Family forum and left there even after the No.2 had overruled her moderator who had herself expressed her disapproval. What was the point of moving it to Bully’s, all that meant was that it could be viewed in 2 different places?
What was unbelievable to me was that repeatedly over many years we have been moralised at by this management saying that this sort of thing was not suitable for a public forum. But here we have it not only being sanctioned by them but a senior member of the team actively taking part.
A deafening silence from Lindsay, who apparently disapproved, from Pam, who has a record of opposing such licence, and Denis, who I also thought better of. No doubt they fear the lash of the tongue of the ‘lady’ from the NE.
I still wonder if Reed would publish this in Truck and Driver though. :unamused: :laughing:

Eventually it was split and the “offending bits” placed in Bullys Bar,
Life is too short to get wound up about these things honestly
I have been a member of this Trucknet now for quite e while and it is very rare that I post outside of the Euro forum, mainly because of the restrictive views of certain elements, I mean a forum is as much entertainment as information, occasionally a thread will go off topic but that is a normal part of life, how many normal conversations in life do not go off topic ?

Eventually it was split and the “offending bits” placed in Bullys Bar,
Life is too short to get wound up about these things honestly
I have been a member of this Trucknet now for quite e while and it is very rare that I post outside of the Euro forum, mainly because of the restrictive views of certain elements, I mean a forum is as much entertainment as information, occasionally a thread will go off topic but that is a normal part of life, how many normal conversations in life do not go off topic ?

I didn’t realise it was split. I first saw it as an apparently original post from Terry, in the Health and Family forum. Thus that was not the issue for me. Moving it to Bully’s was appropriate but even then it was left in H & F. As far as I knew it didn’t go off topic, so as I say that was not an issue. I am surprised that people for whom I had previously had some respect would be happy for this type of stuff to be put before their children, I certainly wouldn’t have when mine were young.
I did not get wound up as you put it Vas, TN just doesn’t have that power for me any more. I come here on average about every 6 or 7 days or so and then only check out 5 forums, posting rarely.
But mainly it was the hypocrisy of the management. Two at the top with a rather bizarre sense of priority as to what is appropriate and what isn’t, and the team below who are not prepared to put their heads above the parapet. You would be amazed at the minor (perceived) ‘transgression’ that brought the hysterical attack on me which caused my resignation a couple of years ago.
As you say, life is too short. :slight_smile: