Ten four - we have a convoy

Computer controlled convoys of up to ten lorries could soon be driving on UK motorways.

The Department for Transport is to consider introducing these “Automated Lorry Platoons” with the lead vehicle controlling the following trucks with Wifi.

The system was tested in Sweden last week and trials are said to have gone well.

ALPs could be trialled in UK in December.

The job of Platoon Commander will be much sought after and
only the crem de la crem of UK Drivers will be successful.



Computer controlled convoys of up to ten lorries could soon be driving on UK motorways.

The Department for Transport is to consider introducing these “Automated Lorry Platoons” with the lead vehicle controlling the following trucks with Wifi.

The system was tested in Sweden last week and trials are said to have gone well.

ALPs could be trialled in UK in December.

The job of Platoon Commander will be much sought after and
only the crem de la crem of UK Drivers will be successful.


Does that mean the lead man gets 6 quid an hour and the rest 5 :slight_smile:

JLS Driver SOS:

Does that mean the lead man gets 6 quid an hour and the rest 5 :slight_smile:

I’ll do it for £30 ph.

The rest ■■? - The rest will be surplus to requirement. I’ll drive all 10.

This was being tested almost 20 yrs ago. If you think it’ll ever appear on british roads think again . They won’t let safe tried and tested road trains on the road …

Imagine waiting for your paperwork at morrisons for that lot !! :open_mouth:

That’l not work, motorists cant plan ahead far enough to get off the motorway when they’ve only got one truck to contend with :unamused:

Automated convoys are good in principle but in reality I don’t see how it could work, what happens when another vehicle gets between the Wi-Fi controlled vehicles.

Mid you it would be funny to watch if the lead vehicle went off the road and the rest followed :smiley:

Hope its not BT Wi-Fi the poor bugger at the back is gonna be late.

“sorry guv the platoon commander left me behind as I was buffering too much”

then the lead truck goes the wrong way and goes round a roundabout and gets stuck behind its own convoy

Or some other driver leaches onto the wifi so he can watch his movie on laptop while driving :stuck_out_tongue:

Does r2d2 do the walk/roll round checks for the cartoon commander? :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

The Pasty man:
Does r2d2 do the walk/roll round checks for the cartoon commander? :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


What happens when lead driver parks up in an MSA for a 45?

I wonder if they’ll sing marching songs??

Thieves would have a field day with this. All the trucks following the leader like the pied piper :laughing:

They will look back on these days in history and laugh at the funny
fat man turning a steering wheel from his little box of steel, plastic and glass . . .

. . . just like we laugh at the funny but not so fat man who walked
ahead of cars waving a red flag. What would he think of TomTom ?

The next thing ? Your tacho display will also be displayed in the
Transport Office and downloaded direct to a central VOSA computer
for automatic analysis and compliance checks.

Transport 2113 will be very exciting for all those who have reached the
dizzy height of Platoon Commander. Pity we won’t still be here to witness it.

They will look back on these days in history and laugh at the funny
fat man turning a steering wheel from his little box of steel, plastic and glass . . .
Even more so when they find out Women did it too even though some of em are right crap at it :grimacing:

. . . just like we laugh at the funny but not so fat man who walked
ahead of cars waving a red flag. What would he think of TomTom ?

The next thing ? Your tacho display will also be displayed in the
Transport Office and downloaded direct to a central VOSA computer
for automatic analysis and compliance checks.

Transport 2113 will be very exciting for all those who have reached the
dizzy height of Platoon Commander. Pity we won’t still be here to witness it.

They have them down here they’re called road trains, one bloke does three blokes jobs and gets paid about 2/3 of a proper wage for doing it.

So what happiness if one of the following trucks brakes down? or if the WI Fi packs up.

Are they going to build safer roads so that the convoy can proceed in an orderly fashion with out the interference of Jo Public.

Merc recently did a fully automated drive from Canberra to Sydney, full steering, brakes, lane changes not assisted by the driver at all. Some muppet in a FWD side swiped it and put it on it’s roof, it didn’t do very much for the film crew that was in the vehicle at the time.
I’m not saying Wi Fi convoys won’t happen but I don’t think we’ll all be down the dole office in the foreseeable future.


Just another way to play with tax payers money…it will never happen in our life times, maybe think in the next millenium. :confused:

JLS Driver SOS:


Computer controlled convoys of up to ten lorries could soon be driving on UK motorways.

The Department for Transport is to consider introducing these “Automated Lorry Platoons” with the lead vehicle controlling the following trucks with Wifi.

The system was tested in Sweden last week and trials are said to have gone well.

ALPs could be trialled in UK in December.

The job of Platoon Commander will be much sought after and
only the crem de la crem of UK Drivers will be successful.


Does that mean the lead man gets 6 quid an hour and the rest 5 :slight_smile:

Normally £10 per truck per day. Could be an intesting payday on the m6!