Temporary fillings?

YEH ok i know it shouldnt be on here and no doubt it will get moved but i put it on here so more people would see it before it gets moved and hopefully get a quick answer.

I have started having some deep root canal work today its in 5 roots between 2 teeth ( :cry: :cry: OUCH)so it needs a hell of a lot of time, so they have put in a temporary filling can anyone tell me is it ok to chew food on that side as normal or do you have to alter your eating habits?.

i dont know about deep roots etc but i have always been very careful for the first day or 2 after having fillings. better to be safe than sorry :confused:

no don’t chew on that side temporary fillings will more than likely fall out


You need to test it out with some bonfire toffee first :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously though ive had my temporary filling in for about 18 months now and had no bother with it (course ive just jinxed myself now)


Thanks folks ive just got in from work where i had a few sandwiches and their only appears to be half of it left.