Temoval of dried in 5th wheel grease

I have just been given a 74 plate daf that has been passed from pillar to post.
As this is my truck now ive noticed that there is 5th wheel grease on the underside of the top bunk. It has completely dried in so it cant be my mistake.
Any ideas of how to remove the grease, as now i know its there its bugging me.

Any advice gratefully recieved, except for burn it & get a volvo/scania etc etc

WD40 is your friend​:+1::+1: followed by warm, soapy water to finish.


Get yer firm to valet it until it’s fit to use.

Sorry mate I just get a bee in my bonnet with these firms who just expect you to take any old crap without question… a bit like mine. :smiley:

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Horrible stuff. Reminds me of the driver at Kenleys who broke off the run up ramps then left them on the bunk in cab, so the fitter could find them :rofl:

It would depend on wether you are prepared to ask your boss to get it cleaned or wether you want to spend your beer money on it.
Tardis, or ADBL (from AutoDoc) tar and glue removers will do it, the latter I use for clean car tyres before dress the tyres https://autodoc.co.uk/adbl/20445403