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please would you tell us when a moderator has erased, edited or modified a post

Why isn’t Monk on premod? by switchlogic

the original post seems to have been erased. Please would you insert a post saying, eg, :
posting by ■■■ has been erased as it was deemed to be potentialy offensive or distressing.


Posting that something was deleted will, in some cases, only add fuel to the fire and create even more of a gong show :unamused:

There are site rules, if posts break these rules, they get binned, no need to explain any further than that :wink:

Or maybe Switch deleted it.

Or maybe Switch deleted it.

Us mere mortals cannot delete posts or threads, merely edit a post that has not been quoted by someone else.

There are site rules, if posts break these rules, they get binned, no need to explain any further than that :wink:

Surely the whole point of moderating posts is to educate the users on the error of their ways.

So yes there is a need to explain further than just deleting the posts.

Most of the “educating users on the error of their ways” is done by private message :wink:

Denis F:
Most of the “educating users on the error of their ways” is done by private message :wink:

Are you sure about that Denis? Because that’s not my experience of how it actually works and the long list of threads that have come through here - “why was my post deleted/thread deleted” tend to support that too.

Like I said to Mike a few weeks ago when he randomly removed posts from a thread (incidentally I received no notification about my post being removed, Denis), it only takes a few seconds to edit a post and leave a footnote telling the author why the content was removed/edited. From my experience of moderating on another site I won’t deny that occasionally you will get an angry reply back from the disgruntled author but the vast majority don’t usually have any problem with it if the reason is valid AND the moderating is consistent (not one-rule-for-one…) :bulb:

I don’t know if you have the option available to you with this forum software but on the one we use it’s literally a 3 click process : 1. delete post, 2. option to input a brief reason, 3. submit, and it automatically sends out an email to the member telling them the reason why their post was removed. Takes 10-20 seconds, tops. :slight_smile:

Is it that important? :open_mouth:

Yes this is very important , I for one use to look forward To Harry Monks posts , I may start a internet campaign to brink Monk back from premod hell . I know I aint the only one who misses our Harry :sunglasses:

Yes this is very important , I for one use to look forward To Harry Monks posts , I may start a internet campaign to brink Monk back from premod hell . I know I aint the only one who misses our Harry :sunglasses:

He fully deserves to be there and people have been put on premod for a lot less. Besides, he was banned once and returned as Harry Monk so I doubt you’ve seen the last of that particular [zb]. Nice that he created such a good impression with you though in the couple of weeks he was posting while you’ve been a member…

But he IS pre-modded…Forget it and move on. :sunglasses:

. Nice that he created such a good impression with you though in the couple of weeks he was posting while you’ve been a member…

Vectra52 has been here a long time, just with different usernames :wink:

Don’t blame me this time! :laughing:

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Red on a name doesn’t mean premod, it means Site Admin :wink: there is no colour difference for premod !

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

That would be a good idea!

Denis F:

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Red on a name doesn’t mean premod, it means Site Admin :wink: there is no colour difference for premod !

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

That would be a good idea!

Pre-modded members appear in the ‘new posts since last visit’ list as normal font weight, not bold like everyone else. :bulb:

Rob K:

Denis F:

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Red on a name doesn’t mean premod, it means Site Admin :wink: there is no colour difference for premod !

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

That would be a good idea!

Pre-modded members appear in the ‘new posts since last visit’ list as normal font weight, not bold like everyone else. :bulb:

They all look the same there to me :exclamation:

Denis F:

Rob K:

Denis F:

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Red on a name doesn’t mean premod, it means Site Admin :wink: there is no colour difference for premod !

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

That would be a good idea!

Pre-modded members appear in the ‘new posts since last visit’ list as normal font weight, not bold like everyone else. :bulb:

They all look the same there to me :exclamation:

How do you know Denis? I don’t see any of the known trolls in the list as being the author of the thread or the last person to reply so there’s no way of telling until they post. Anyway they seem to have either got bored or you guys are doing a good job at stopping their posts getting through as it’s been much calmer here for the past week or two.

I’m not bored. I’m quite happy with the current set up. :sunglasses:

Denis F:

You sure he has been pre modded. Cannot see red on his name, or am i blind.

Red on a name doesn’t mean premod, it means Site Admin :wink: there is no colour difference for premod !

Can TNUK stop users making aload of new names?

That would be a good idea!

I have found in the past that if i hover my courser over say, Robk’s name, it will stay blue, but if that person was in trouble and i did the same thing again with the courser it used to change from blue to red until i move the courser away from the persons name then it would go back to blue.