Telephone marketing

How often would you have LOVE to have done this…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve got to add this one to the list of stuff I do to mess with these people. I had one almost crying a couple of months ago when I told them the person they wanted to speak to, i.e. me, had been killed in an RTC the night before and I was going to sue them, their company and anyone else I could think of for causing distress etc. They haven’t called back since. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nice one Neil :smiley: I am not sure I could keep from laughing if I tried that approach. If I answer the phone and get a call like this, I always speak Danish and they soon get bored of that and hang up, I do the same at MSA’a with the ladies and their credit cards. My missus who is Polish, puts on her best heavy accent and misunderstands everything they say, if she is bored then she goes straight to Polish.

I have a friend who has a CD burned of ■■■■ moaning sounds and puts that on for a couple of mins and then comes back all out of breath and says’ Sorry, what did you want" Again I would not be able to not to crease up during that, so for me Danish all the way.

Vi ses Andy

Hilarious recording!!!

I always say “Ah, hold on, I’ll go and get the person you need to talk to” and then I put them on hold and go away and do whatever I was doing anyway.

When you next pick up the phone half an hour later they’ve always gone.

Another option is to be really enthusiastic for the product they are selling and make an appointment for a rep to call. When they do call round tell them you aren’t interested. Last time I did that the woman who called accused me of wasting their time, I said we can call that a draw then. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

You can play a game with them. See how long they will sit there waiting for you to go back and talk to them. Many will sit there for a long time waiting for you, it works better when you sound really interested and they think they will get a sale.
We’re in that telephone service so we dont get them any more. There are sometimes the odd few that ring up, but thats very rare. When you ask for there name and you say that you wont to give it to the telephone service thingy, and they could be prosicuted, one got very worried and couldnt appologise enough.
I would find it hard to talk to them too much and get them beleiving something, i would have to laugh and give it away.


That’s excellent, brilliant!