"technicians" ha deleted?

Apparently the “powers that be” do not like the truth so they “delete” it.
WTF is going down here ?


The “powers that be” along with the decent members (ie the majority) are sick to the back teeth of your ■■■■ poor childish tantrum-esque attitude along with the personal attacks you throw at nearly every member you reply to…

So “wtf went down” was your thread got removed because of it…

Clear enough for you?!


The “powers that be” along with the decent members (ie the majority) are sick to the back teeth of your ■■■■ poor childish tantrum-esque attitude along with the personal attacks you throw at nearly every member you reply to…

So “wtf went down” was your thread got removed because of it…

Clear enough for you?!

Where’s the “LIKE” button when you need one?!?



The “powers that be” along with the decent members (ie the majority) are sick to the back teeth of your ■■■■ poor childish tantrum-esque attitude along with the personal attacks you throw at nearly every member you reply to…

So “wtf went down” was your thread got removed because of it…

Clear enough for you?!

Where’s the “LIKE” button when you need one?!?

Here you go

Sent using smoke signals




The “powers that be” along with the decent members (ie the majority) are sick to the back teeth of your ■■■■ poor childish tantrum-esque attitude along with the personal attacks you throw at nearly every member you reply to…

So “wtf went down” was your thread got removed because of it…

Clear enough for you?!

Where’s the “LIKE” button when you need one?!?

Here you go
Sent using smoke signals

Didn’t work :grimacing:

SAD! Google censorship even spread as far as “snowflake” truckers !!!
Holy ■■■■.

SAD! Google censorship even spread as far as “snowflake” truckers !!!
Holy [zb].

You’re entitled to your opinion of snowflake truckers, but I’ve noticed that you do seem to be experiencing some difficulty understanding the forum rules.

A number of your posts/topics have been disallowed/deleted for the following reasons:

  • Personal attack(s)
  • Auto censor dodges
  • General insults and abuse

If you have a read of the forum rules, particularly Rule #3, you’ll see that your ‘missing’ posts are are nothing to do with censorship.

:bulb: Just so we’re clear… You’re welcome to express your views provided that you post them within the forum rules, it’s quite simple really.

Your alternative is also quite simple… we can make your account ‘read only’ then you won’t be able to post at all, and we won’t have to waste our time dealing with it.

For my 2p worth, I’m favouring the (very tempting :smiley:) alternative because it sounds like win-win to me, but in the interests of fairness we’ll leave the choice up to you. :wink: