Hi all! I am extremely appreciative of all the responses I had regarding my survey and posts on this forum! In total I have 93 of you drivers have completed my survey and the results are as expected which is perfect! Please let me know if you would like me to post a copy of the results and I will do so. Thanks again!
I this country of really stupid laws we can drive around with completely open wheels but if the stupid little mud flap is missing you get a ticket, if you are pulling a trailer you don’t need a mud flap even if there is nothing to stop crap and stones flying up. I was stopped by some of these idiots DOT in Vermont once, he couldn’t find anything wrong so gave me a ticket because the mud flap on my trailer had no reflective tape on it
I pointed out that I had a trailer and so didn’t actually need the mud flap and he said “Then you should have removed it before starting your journey”
Happy Keith:
‘… how many other drivers out there happen to rip off the mud guard on their vehicle when reversing … Any info would be greatly appreciated…’I’ve stopped trying to pinch those (sometimes helpful) yellow, bay bananas: Done it twice - so I now make sure that I’m properly square-on first.
Another little trick is- (if its adjustable) Raise the Trailer Suspension when you open the back doors, (obviously before reversing onto the bay) I’ve caught those Bloody Bananas as well, especially if its dark.
How about detachable mudflaps,secured with a zip
I always look in my mirror, when the flap looks level with the kerb it’s always spot on the T bar on the trailer being level, that always works for me, I’ve only ever had one mud guard off and that was against the broken yellow bay guards at Gadbrook, caught my blindside guard on it when blindsiding onto the produce bays.
Don’t know if that works on any trailer only pulled tri axel trailers.
‘…How about detachable mudflaps,secured with a zip…’
Or maybe the plod replacement jobsworths should begin ‘not-giving-a-■■■■’ and take a scaredy peep at the thousands of duff UK cabbies with broken mirrors, inop’ lights & myriad other defects as a priority - especially since these clowns are running our Nan’s to the Doctors rather than thumping trunk routes with bottled water.
I wonder why they daren’t