Tea OR coffee result

thanks for taking part all
looks like a tie 40/40 votes now lets have a new poll and the poll is

Cereal, but not with cow juice, or toast for me.

Cant take any sort of food in the morning, just real black coffee (not the ‘instant’ type crap) real black coffee, strength 5 minimum :open_mouth: about a pint of the stuff for starters, then I’m ‘happy’ :smiley:


You can’t beat two cups of very strong coffee and a ■■■… :smiley: :smiley:

Cereal, but not with cow juice.

what you have coffee in your cereal too :open_mouth: my god you are ■■■■■■■■ Neil :laughing:

Reminds me of a time years ago when my mate (after seeing it on the telly) decided to try cornflakes with lager… His face was a picture :laughing: :laughing:

I need to tick them all - can I have that many votes :question:

I need to tick them all - can I have that many votes :question:

if you must rog but you mite get a bit ill


Cereal, but not with cow juice.

what you have coffee in your cereal too :open_mouth: my god you are ■■■■■■■■ Neil :laughing:

No way, not on cereal. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I don’t drink much coffee these days anyway.

I need to tick them all - can I have that many votes :question:

Regardless of votes you really shouldn’t have that many calories. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Glass of water 2 cups of black coffee

very strong black coffee and a ■■■… couple of times a day gets me throu to tea time

Coffee a cereal bar and a smoke or two