Taylor Swift not actually human

Every time I see a picture of Taylor Swift, she’s got her mouth open, I’m coming to the conclusion that she’s not actually human and is in fact an extremely realistic animatronic s-ex-doll that specialises in B-Js

On the basis of this evidence, show me I’m wrong…
For reference this is a non-Taylor Swift model

The Miss Swift Doll Range


And finally, the BJ’s R US Taylor Swift Tour model

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Let’s look at the evidence shall we? Seventy five songs about break ups and not one about BJ’s! I rest my case.

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Yeah but maybe the BJ’s were involved in the break ups. “Waddya mean you don’t like my top-jobby-house-special? You’re dumped, now where’s my guitar you sorry SOB?”


I read she’s just joined the ranks of a billionaire status, Not bad for singing about ex-boyfriends, All that dosh & she’s still got a flat arris.

she’s still got a flat arris

I wouldn’t kick her out of bed, particularly if she brought her purse.

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Oh Heck! Those ‘Just stop oil’ nutters have sprayed Taylor Swifts private jet.

So protesters got airside without anyone challenging them?
Just as well all they had to say was “Just Stop Oil” rather than “Alluah Akbah”

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