Tax rebate of Euro to Pound exchange

Hi everyone,

Initially would like to thank you all for supplying this platform.

I am a European HGV 1 driver and continuously driving between UK and the EU, thus I am continuously exchanging money from Pound to Euro and was loosing from my own money because of charges of exchange. Can I rebate any tax about this issue?

Why don’t you just withdraw money from an ATM while across and spend as you go like you would at home rather than exchange larger amounts of money back and forth?

I cant see how you loose unless you are changing it back on return. have not seen one that charges a commision for years . They make the money from buying it at a commercial rate and selling at retail

I use atm best way but got fed up of the charges by bank

Then a mate told me about metro bank
Free to use card and to draw cash in eu no charges and x rate better than lloyds/natwest were
Only prob branches around london area but open 7 days go in open account and get card same time
Bog one at slough park on ind est walk over where i opened mine
Cant open online