Taskman, Wheelnut, and Hitch

Can you all please PM me with your adresses …

If I dont get your adress by Friday morning then you wont get your prizes…!!! :wink: :wink:

And I’ll have to have them instead.


Put them all in my envelope :wink:;);)…

Can you all please PM me with your adresses …

If I dont get your adress by Friday morning then you wont get your prizes…!!! :wink: :wink:

Extended to Sunday evening… :open_mouth:

I have to send the e-mail Monday morning, so If all addresses are not in by then, those I havent got will lose out!!

Just seen the post Rikki, sent

I’ll send you a spare address if you want Rikki??!! :laughing: :laughing:

Just got back :stuck_out_tongue: I will send you my address if you promise you are not a policeman :stuck_out_tongue: