Tank Transporter

Got a young lad on the south coast who is dead keen on these vehicles

He’s done the Bovingdon stuff and all that and was amazed when he saw tanks the same as the models he made at home. However, hankers a desire to get closer, maybe even ride in a transporter.

Knowing the knowledge base on here, I wondered if anyone would be able to point the way to an owner/collector type of person who would accommodate his desire?

His dad is a real nice bloke who would pay for the experience.


The problem is they are the type of outfit which is very difficult to keep and run on a private basis.There’s some of the old Antars and earlier Diamond T’s etc in use privately for shows but the later types like the Scammel Commander are a bit too much for most classic truck owners and they say that most of the Army’s old fleet of those (which are arguably better than the yank outfits which replaced them) are being shipped to Jordan for the Jordanian army.However there is at least one Challenger 1 tank in private ownership and a Commander would make a perfect match with that if he could obtain one and run it which would be doubtful.

there is usually a antar or two at the basingstoke festival of transport held soon
basingstoke.gov.uk/leisure/e … ornycroft/
might be of interest to him
cheers graham

there is usually a antar or two at the basingstoke festival of transport held soon
basingstoke.gov.uk/leisure/e … ornycroft/
might be of interest to him
cheers graham

The problem with ANTARS and the Scammell Commander ( I understand Tony Jordan has or had one at GDSF last year) is that you you need a movement order everytime you drive them on the road, as they are over width.

there’s a bloke called john, he used to work at TVR. he lives on mains lane, poulton le fylde, just before the turning for shard bridge. he’s on the left. he has a tank on his driveway, take some diesel with you. it only does 1mpg and he won’t run it on red. if you take enough juice, he’ll take you for a spin. any excuse for him. :wink: