Tachographs rest periods


Another question re tacographs.

I am getting very confused about the weekly rest period requirements as I do not work a typical week.

For example this week i worked Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had 28 hrs rest between Monday and Wednesday shifts and a further 24 hrs rest between the Wednesday and Friday shift. I have driven 2, 10 hrs this week. I am just confused as to whether i have taken the adequate rest periods. And also it says i have to take 48 hrs continuous rest each week,

I am due to work the next 4 days as well with next friday and saturday off, am i within the guidelines?, i have compeletly lost the plot with this.

I suppose my questions is, does the standard week monday to sunday apply to everyone, or does my 6 day start when i start work each week, and also if the weekly rest period is allowed to be split in the way I have above?

Sorry i know this is a lot of questions i am just trying to get my head round it, im fine with driver time, breaks, daily rest etc!

Also if anyone as a spreadsheet they would be willing to share that would be great


Its 45 unbroken hours off = regular weekly rest and there must be one of those IN (at least 1 minute in) every other fixed week (sunday midnight to sunday midnight)

Is it possible for you to post what you have done over say the past 3 weeks like this -
Mon 16 0600 - 1900
tue 17 0500 - 1400
wed 18 off
thu 19 0700 -
etc etc

The drives over 9 hours but not more than 10 are allowed twice in any fixed week

I suppose my questions is, does the standard week monday to sunday apply to everyone, or does my 6 day start when i start work each week

The six 24 hour periods start at the end of a weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period.

However a weekly rest period should be taken for each fixed week, a fixed week is 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Sunday.

A weekly rest period can be reduced to no less than 24 hours every second week (that’s putting it simply) and a regular 45 consecutive hour weekly rest period must be taken in alternate weeks.

also if the weekly rest period is allowed to be split in the way I have above?

No, a regular weekly rest period cannot be split as such because two weekly rest periods of less than 45 consecutive hours would be two reduced weekly rest periods not a regular weekly rest period.

A weekly rest period that is less than 45 hours is a reduced weekly rest period, two reduced weekly rest periods do not make a full 45 hour weekly rest period.

Thanks tachograph - I was returning to answer the other Qs but you have saved me the trouble :smiley:

I only posted this so my post count increased by 1 :laughing:

I only posted this so my post count increased by 1 :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing:

You saved me saying it :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :wink:

cheers for this, it makes sense now, i was over complicating thinking the week started at different times etc, it’s really straightforward actually!!!

Did you have a full 45 hour weekly rest period last week ?

Did you have a full 45 hour weekly rest period last week ?

w/c 23/09/2013 - i had monday and tuesday off, and worked, wed , thur ,friday, saturday and had sunday off… (i also didn’t work the friday or saturday before)

w/c 30/09/2013 - monday, wed, fri, sat and sunday worked, had tue and thursday off. - All night shifts.


Did you have a full 45 hour weekly rest period last week ?

w/c 23/09/2013 - i had monday and tuesday off, and worked, wed , thur ,friday, saturday and had sunday off… (i also didn’t work the friday or saturday before)

w/c 30/09/2013 - monday, wed, fri, sat and sunday worked, had tue and thursday off. - All night shifts.

I make that a regular for the week 16 - 22 and the week 23 to 29 followed by a reduced for the week 30 to 6 if I have read your info correctly

This week 7 to 13 need a regular which needs to start no later than 2359 on the 13

I am due to work the next 4 days as well with next friday and saturday off

Fri + sat off should have that sorted

What time did you start the shift on fri 4th ?
What time will you end the shift on thu 10th ?
I am trying to see if the 144 hour rule between weekly rests has been breached



Did you have a full 45 hour weekly rest period last week ?

w/c 23/09/2013 - i had monday and tuesday off, and worked, wed , thur ,friday, saturday and had sunday off… (i also didn’t work the friday or saturday before)

w/c 30/09/2013 - monday, wed, fri, sat and sunday worked, had tue and thursday off. - All night shifts.

I make that a regular for the week 16 - 22 and the week 23 to 29 followed by a reduced for the week 30 to 6 if I have read your info correctly

This week 7 to 13 need a regular which needs to start no later than 2359 on the 13

I am due to work the next 4 days as well with next friday and saturday off

Fri + sat off should have that sorted

What time did you start the shift on fri 4th ?
What time will you end the shift on thu 10th ?
I am trying to see if the 144 hour rule between weekly rests has been breached

friday 4th was 11am till 11.30 pm

i have had 7th oct and 8th october (today off), i am working wednesday 9th and thursday 10th then off again friday and saturday, not sure what times these shifts are yet.

I have also had a few breaches, they give me a list of 4, they were stupid mistakes my first week, went over drive time 4 times, one for 1 minute, one for 10 minutes, one for 2 minutes and a stupid one where i did the 10hrs but didn’t take a break! the first three were when i was parking up the trailer on the yard and have since been told i should have took my taco out but i didn’t know this! i’ve been offered a permanent job is this info likely to affect the job offer do you know? Also if i do get pulled by vosa is it right that they only check data for the last 28 days. Thanks a lot for your help.

i have had 7th oct and 8th october (today off),

If that totals 45 or more hours off then that is a regular weekly rest for the week 7 to 13

From what you posted you have had these weekly rests
Regular 16 - 22
Regular 23 - 29
Reduced 30 - 6
Regular 7 - 13
So the week 14 to 20 can be a reduced

Looking a little closer I think that the week 30 to 6 can also be a regular by using the time off that includes the sunday midnight of the 29th but as its not necessary legally then perhaps its not something that needs looking at in closer detail