Tachograph Time Adjustment (leave the damn thing alone !)

Hey dude’s

Be warned, if your a newby like me,
and get bored during rest periods (or nite’s away) or just like to tinker.

Be Warned

If you’re ever tempted to adjust the Tachograph Clock

Make certain that its done with the removable media (ie Disk or Digicard) removed

Or the procedure will fail ( with an ERROR / Tacho Warning )

Also be aware:

The Tacho Clock & Truck Clock are linked
(ie interlaced.
Adjusting the Truck Clock, Clauses the Tacho to Re’sink)

Thats what I did, and all hell broke loose !! #####***

Also if you make the adjustment during a shift.
your going to need to account for the missing time ( Sh*t )

Best to learn from my experience, and leave it to the servicing dudes.

Regards: 2xQ

In Continuum:

For those of you that are inquisitive:

Here’s how I managed to brake the darn thing.

I’d been driving the same Truck for 2 days ( multi-drops, with a night away )
and had become totally frustrated by the in Dash Clock, as it was running 17 minutes fast.

And while on my way home, I needed to pull into Watford Gap for that compulsory 45 minute break.

So after taking a pee, and grabbing a Coffee & Roll from the take-away ( yes I know risky )

I powered the truck up to read off how long Id been resting, and having 20minutes to spare,

I decided to use those final minutes, to fix that clock.

Ok then, lets see… Menu // Vehicle Settings // Clock (ah, that’s were its hidden)

Right’ho , Scroll, & few button press’s to figure out how to change the minutes,

EASY // DONE // apparently all fine

Until I moved the Truck // WRONG // Big Display “ TACHO ERROR ” //

SHT #### // Darn Blast ( Plus many more expletives )

Nipped into next available parking hole ( right, got’a sort this )
10 minutes pass, ( lots of repeats of the setting procedure,
even got the manual out of the locker & read the Clock Setting Page )

NOTHIN // Still broken // ###*# // Darn Blast ( ++ many more expletives uttered )

So decided to ask one of the other drivers,

Ok lucky hit,1st Guy ( Home Pride ) Ridged, problem explained
He knew what to do.

Quote “ You need to pull the Tacho Disk Mate “ !!

Worked a treat, Fresh tacho made up and inserted
(embarrassing explanation:
As to why a fresh tacho required insertion written on back or original tacho)

And I was on my way.

So’’ Mr HomePride (Who ever you were) Thanks, & Thanks Again

Regards 2xQ