Tachograoh downloading, rha membership etc

Hi all

We have been granted our operating license this week. It only took 6 weeks from application to it being granted so really happy with that.

So I am after others advice!

What do you find to be the best way of managing digital tachograph downloading management etc? In an ideal world I’d like a software package that does it all for me, including some sort of infringement management! Also what hardware is the easiest/most reliable to use.

Other options include joining rha and using there system, or subscribing to tachomaster?

Cost is obviously a factor! It will be used for a maximum of 2 vehicles, hired in in peak work periods and then periods of the year when we have no vehicles!

Suggestions or previous experience much appreciated


I use stoneridge’s OPTAC3 system which is a pay as you use it system, used it for a number of years now, would recommend it. You can get a tool to download the cards and vehicle units. It analyses the data, you just have to print off wtd reports and driver letters etc.

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Hi all

We have been granted our operating license this week. It only took 6 weeks from application to it being granted so really happy with that.

So I am after others advice!

What do you find to be the best way of managing digital tachograph downloading management etc? In an ideal world I’d like a software package that does it all for me, including some sort of infringement management! Also what hardware is the easiest/most reliable to use.

Other options include joining rha and using there system, or subscribing to tachomaster?

Cost is obviously a factor! It will be used for a maximum of 2 vehicles, hired in in peak work periods and then periods of the year when we have no vehicles!

Suggestions or previous experience much appreciated


I’ve signed up to Descartes Smartanalysis which is a good tool.


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We’re in the process of changing from checking it ourselves to going to remote download, which is tied into our tracker system. Its’ one of those things I wanted to automate as much as possible.