Hope I’ve posted this in the right place. The forum seems to have changed a bit since I was last here but I just wanted to check that there’s not anything we were missing before spending out the money.
The Tacho2Safe has been quite easy to use over the last c.7 years but today would not work. As the techie of the family, I was asked to take a look and saw the Download Expired message. Usually it would just start downloading the driver card or at most require a few buttons to be pressed to resolve any issues that cropped up, but the card won’t download at all. The 28 day point hasn’t to my knowledge been exceeded, but the machine wouldn’t refuse to download for that surely?
Having had a Google I came across a firmware update but the machine was not eligible for a free upgrade due to the serial number being too low, and an update was offered for €69 (if I recall correctly) + VAT. So to take that offer would also mean incurring bank charges for non-sterling use.
I was wondering if anyone else has had this message and whether there is any other way to make the machine work again? It’s only used for 1 driver and 1 vehicle now, who will probably retire in the next few years.
If not, given the age of the machine I wonder if it’s better to just replace it, as if the paid update doesn’t work Tacho2Safe probably wouldn’t be interested.
If getting a new machine would be better, does anyone have any recommendations? Are there any that don’t have ongoing costs and the machine carries on working until there is an issue with the machine itself?