hello all I need help in understanding tacho input and what needs to be input .say I drive for an hour do my delivery then drive back to my yard there I do other work .I am then asked to drive again .This takes another hour .at the end of the day how do I input that info into the tacho .Am I being thick as I do not understand a word of the drivers manual.i am 62 so have had my licence a few yrs but only drive occaisionally and have only just got a digital card .thanks Mel
Records driving automatically when the vehicle is moving - you select other modes such as other work, poa or break
hello all I need help in understanding tacho input and what needs to be input .say I drive for an hour do my delivery then drive back to my yard there I do other work .I am then asked to drive again .This takes another hour .at the end of the day how do I input that info into the tacho .Am I being thick as I do not understand a word of the drivers manual.i am 62 so have had my licence a few yrs but only drive occaisionally and have only just got a digital card .thanks Mel
I would suggest you have someone show you how to use the digi tacho… and before anyone says i’m calling anyone thick I’m far from it. some people need to be SHOWN how to use things for it to stick as reading about it don’t always work.
Had a guy I worked with for years couldn’t understand the digi manual entry so I spent a few days with a simulator at the Hub going through things and at the start of his shift I would show him the 1st bit then he gradually did it himself…
So yes get someone to show you what you need to do…
Once you have put your card in, the tacho will record all work and driving that you do automatically. When the wheels are turning, it records Driving time, when the wheels are not turning, it records Other Work (although be careful - some tachos are set up so that they automatically record Break when the wheels stop turning). You should only be needing to enter anything yourself to account for work done before you put your card in or work done after you took your card out again.
If you were familiar with analogue charts, think of the digital tacho automatically recording all your driving and working during the shift just as the analogue tacho did by making a trace on those paper discs (and in exactly the same way you change the mode to Break when you took your breaks). The only difference being that the recording is done electronically on a memory card rather than a paper chart. If you put your card in at the beginning of the shift and take it out at the end, that’s all you need to do.
The complications start to arise if you do other Work before you put the card in (and similarly if you carry on working after you take the card out). On paper charts, you would simply draw lines in the boxes on the back, and write your start/finish time on there - With digital tachos you have to input this information using the buttons on the front of the unit. Unfortunately, this is where it gets rather complicated, as there are several different makes and models of digital tacho (and even different versions from the same manufacturer!) which use slightly different procedures to make these “manual entries”. It’s probably easiest to get someone else to go through it with you. Do you have someone at your place that could do this?
Thanks for the replies chaps I am now clear as to what I need to input and as I leave the card in all the time during the day it is not a problem .Many thanks Mel1
You are not thick mate.The digital tacho is thick.The technology is 20 years out of date.
Who was the numpty that made it add two minutes driving every time the truck stopped?
It took me a few times to master manual entries.
If the boss said come to work at 6am but your truck is still on the night shift or in the garage, you have to input the start time on the digi.
The recorded time has to match up with the tacho to account for all activities or get hassle on a Police stop or DVSA check point.
Lets say you get in the truck at 9am,you tell the digi other work.
Thanks toby im glad im not as thick as I thought lol.Mel1
Try these videos, they’re for Siemens 1.4 type digital tachographs but I think that’s about the most popular now anyway.
Re: tacho
by tachograph » Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:35 pm
Try these videos, they’re for Siemens 1.4 type digital tachographs but I think that’s about the most popular now anyway.
Siemens 1.4 Digital Tachograph Youtube Tutorials
im a new driver and very concerned about messing my drivers hours up, and this link is a massive help. thanks very much to the poster
Try these videos, they’re for Siemens 1.4 type digital tachographs but I think that’s about the most popular now anyway.
Helpful videos, I’m starting to understand tacho a bit better now. Thank you for sharing