Tacho question ?

Do tacho rules still apply if driving a works van home after doing a driving shift? I thought it did but
just want to be sure before i say anything at work. Thanks

as far as i know, if you get back to the operating centre, then you are in the clear. but if you don’t make it back as you are out of driving time, then you will need to count your traveling time to your operating centre or home address as other work.

there was a case not very long ago about a driver who worked out of birkenhead docks for a firm in swords, dublin.
he would go from birkenhead with a loaded trailer, tip it, load it, then back to the docks. he would then leave the unit at the docks and drive his own car back home. he didn’t record this as other work, so he got fined.
if his employer had an operating centre at birkenhead, then he would have been ok to drive home.
it’s a stupid rule. what difference does it make?

as far as i know, its not so much what you are driving its where you are going from and to. it doesnt count if you go from home to normal place of work or back the way. if you are running out of time and they send a van or car to where you are to get you back to yard then it does count and would be illegal. also i you work from a different base than usual then travelling does count. sure one of the experts will correct any mistakes but i think thats about it.

Do tacho rules still apply if driving a works van home after doing a driving shift? I thought it did but
just want to be sure before i say anything at work. Thanks

If you’re referring to driving home before getting back to base because you’ve run out of driving hours then yes tachograph rules apply and you can’t legally do it if the vehicle you drive home in comes in-scope of EU regulations.

If you’re referring to driving a vehicle that comes in-scope of EU regulations home from work (base) then I would say yes tachograph rules do apply whilst driving home from base.

ask trumplesneaker, he’s one (or was,dont know if he is now as i aint seen him for a while) of vosas finest from the north east of scotland, he knows his stuff and am sure he would tell you whats the correct procedure

I may be wrong here but I believe that if it a “company” vehicle then it does come under the rules (classed as other work) but if it is your own vehicle then it doesn’t.

In 2000 I worked for Wally Arnold as did about 3 of my mates. They used to give us an old minibus to travel up in (save petrol and all that) Then the rules changed and we weren’t allowed to anymore.

I believe the case that changed it was one involving a Newcastle coach company and a school trip. 1 driver drove the coach to Dover whilst 2 other drivers drove down in a “Company” car. At dover they swapped over, onto the boat and off into france. The “fresh” driver crashed about an hour into the shift. You can imagine the uproar when it was discovered he had actually been “at work” for over 12 hours but with a fresh card in the tacho.

Do tacho rules still apply if driving a works van home after doing a driving shift? I thought it did but
just want to be sure before i say anything at work. Thanks

If you finish your shift at base (clocked off - not being paid any more) and the company is nice enough to lend you a company vehicle under 7.5 tonnes for your personal use then that must be out-of-scope IMO
The company insurance must still cover you for this use.

I may be wrong here but I believe that if it a “company” vehicle then it does come under the rules (classed as other work) but if it is your own vehicle then it doesn’t.

In 2000 I worked for Wally Arnold as did about 3 of my mates. They used to give us an old minibus to travel up in (save petrol and all that) Then the rules changed and we weren’t allowed to anymore.

I believe the case that changed it was one involving a Newcastle coach company and a school trip. 1 driver drove the coach to Dover whilst 2 other drivers drove down in a “Company” car. At dover they swapped over, onto the boat and off into france. The “fresh” driver crashed about an hour into the shift. You can imagine the uproar when it was discovered he had actually been “at work” for over 12 hours but with a fresh card in the tacho.

We used to do that on the Italy trips, two of us would drive the company car down to Dover, get on another coach that would take us to Tournai and meet our coach there… what they failed to realise was we was on the same ferry as our coach and passengers. Then which ever one wasnt driving the coach at the time used to serve drinks to the passengers during the 22 hour haul from Tournai to Rome, that was one hell of a long shift as you would well know Stuart. Leger Tours really thought that one out properly.

Yup it was the year and the second trip that Kenny and I ended up with the Banana Bova… lol


I may be wrong here but I believe that if it a “company” vehicle then it does come under the rules (classed as other work) but if it is your own vehicle then it doesn’t.

In 2000 I worked for Wally Arnold as did about 3 of my mates. They used to give us an old minibus to travel up in (save petrol and all that) Then the rules changed and we weren’t allowed to anymore.

I believe the case that changed it was one involving a Newcastle coach company and a school trip. 1 driver drove the coach to Dover whilst 2 other drivers drove down in a “Company” car. At dover they swapped over, onto the boat and off into france. The “fresh” driver crashed about an hour into the shift. You can imagine the uproar when it was discovered he had actually been “at work” for over 12 hours but with a fresh card in the tacho.

We used to do that on the Italy trips, two of us would drive the company car down to Dover, get on another coach that would take us to Tournai and meet our coach there… what they failed to realise was we was on the same ferry as our coach and passengers. Then which ever one wasnt driving the coach at the time used to serve drinks to the passengers during the 22 hour haul from Tournai to Rome, that was one hell of a long shift as you would well know Stuart. Leger Tours really thought that one out properly.

Yup it was the year and the second trip that Kenny and I ended up with the Banana Bova… lol

That would have been 98 or 99. Before all this kicked up and the rules were changed

If you have finished your shift and are travelling from the depot to your home in a van, you said van so presumably it doesn’t have a tacho, then the tacho regulations do not apply, regardless of who owns the van.

If you are travelling to or from home to a different place to where you normally work then tacho rules do apply, the van driving would be recorded as other work rather than driving. That applies regardless of who owns the vehicle, including if you own it.

I believe the case that changed it was one involving a Newcastle coach company and a school trip. 1 driver drove the coach to Dover whilst 2 other drivers drove down in a “Company” car. At dover they swapped over, onto the boat and off into france. The “fresh” driver crashed about an hour into the shift. You can imagine the uproar when it was discovered he had actually been “at work” for over 12 hours but with a fresh card in the tacho.

Skills Coaches was the case which clarified the rules.

And it was Nottingham rather than Newcastle, maybe your SatNav lead you astray. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: