Tacho infringement

Hoping for some experienced advice? Been driving class 2 for just over a year now but only one day a week (the odd full week here and there) so probably about 50-60 or so shifts, definitely still on the learning curve. Without droning on I had finished my drops today and knew I could take my half hour (Already taken 15) at the place I was due to collect from,
get a call from the yard not to bother with it just come back,

I thought I would find a lay-by before I hit the Mway but got that wrong. I end up stuck in M25 nonsense and despite attempting to come off and find somewhere I’m 27 minutes over driving time before I find a safe and legal place to stop. I’d already taken WTD break but it only obviously counts as 15 for the tacho.

There had been an accident and the traffic was really crap. I know I fxd up so fair enough but what happens now, what should I expect. Being agency at ever different firms I don’t have anyone to really ask. Thanks.

From what I understand this would class as an exceptional circumstance so can’t you do a print out and write the reason on the back as caught up in traffic due to accident and just keep that with you in case your stopped


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Thanks for your reply Gary, so would this only be discovered if I’m stopped, when I have the card downloaded does it show up is what I’m getting at?

When your card is downloaded it would show up , if your working for the same company all the time they will probably have some system that would make them aware of it and ask you about it then you can produce the printout with your reason on it for them etc

Sometimes things happen and you can’t get to a safe place to take a break on time


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Write an explanation on a printout and get on with your life.

I generally advise to do 2 prinouts and hand one in when your card is downloaded and keep the other with you in case you get stopped at a roadside check.

so would this only be discovered if I’m stopped, when I have the card downloaded does it show up is what I’m getting at?

It will be seen whent the card is downloaded and analysed, it’s not a big a deal unless you get lots of infringements.

Thanks for the advice, get on with my life I will, like I said fairly new to this I do appreciate the replies.