Tacho Error print off for compliance officer

If I make a mistake using the wrong digital tachograph symbol, ie, I selected ‘other work’ instead of ‘rest’.
I print off one copy of the tachograph paper and complete the rear to show what I’ve actually done. My Compliance Officer, asks for a second copy, so they have a record and make notes/adjustments on the online system.

I have to keep my copy for 28 days… I can then keep my copy for my records or throw it away l.

My compliance offer, is now saying, my copy, should by given to him after 28 day’s, so he has both copies! He says it’s the law!

Is this true?

A - do I need to give him the second copy to begin with?
B - do I also need to give him my original copy after 28 days?

I can sort of understand him seeing a copy within/just after 28 days, so he can update the system. Buy to have both copies just sounds like a point less process, that has no use full outcome, other than drivers having to visit the office!

I’m assuming they’re both actual printouts and not a printout and a photocopy.

I can understand him wanting a printout so they know about the mistake.

Saying the law requires you to give him the printout you’ve kept for 28 days as well as the one you’ve already handed in is BS.

Yes both are printouts. 1 for me to keep for 28 days and 1 for him.
He then wants my copy after 28 days, which makes no sense.

It might be “his law”, but it is not THE law. No, you don’t have to give him your copy. I don’t know what he’s thinking there, but it’s not correct, as long as you gave him a copy at the time then that’s perfectly fine.

End day no big deal to give him the extra. Copy after 28 days.
No idea why they want it…but not like it’s a big deal really to give it them