Everything’s a problem today it seems!
Finished my shift and got the above error message. Eventually googling showed the answer on u tube youtu.be/Dlj7ihFjWak
Switch on the engine and it ejected fine. Only the card didn’t download on the client’s tacho machine. Went back to the lorry and got a printout with no problems, so not too worried, just wondering if there could be a problem with my tacho card, or are they fairly robust?
Code 34 is “cannot be ejected (e.g. while driving)”.
Something with the unit. I’d suggest your card is fine.
Found this: trucknetuk.com/phpBB/viewto … 2#p2512792
Lots of tachos require he ignition to be on for inserting and ejecting the card.
Don’t ask me why but that is why you get that message, as you said turning the ignition on and it will then eject the card.
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If you have a tacho that will only eject the card with the ignition on ,it’s an ADR version and its down to the risk of explosions, hence you cannot insert or remove the card etc without the ignition on believe it or not.
Basically after a minute the unit powers down and the tacho should have the EX logo on it denoting it is an ADR version tachograph at least on the newer versions of the VDO unit.
I knew it had to be ignition on however I did not know why. Now I do so every day is a school day.
Sent from my CPH2173 using Tapatalk
I’ve never done ADR work yet I’ve had many trucks with VDO units that the ignition has to be on for ejection, so I guess it may just be that sometimes they have installed the ADR version at time of build not because it was a truck intended to be for ADR work.
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I believe I had the ignition on when it failed to eject. I’m in the habit of that as it provides the backlight. It was the actual engine running that allowed it to eject.
You can get “ejection not possible” if you press the button while the head unit is still digesting your card after insertion. I’m also fairly sure you can get the same message in some circumstances if you attempt to eject the card straight away after a very short drive (eg across the yard). I think it happens because the head unit is still working out whether the previous minute is to be recorded as “Work” or “Drive”.
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Oh - and if you still have the printout you made, does it show any errors at the relevant time?
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I believe I had the ignition on when it failed to eject. I’m in the habit of that as it provides the backlight. It was the actual engine running that allowed it to eject.
That sounds unusual then as they only require the ignition on to eject not the engine running.
As Raymundo has said it may also not eject if it is performing certain operations at the time.
Sent from my CPH2173 using Tapatalk
All of our tankers are ADR units and I got this same message everytime I tried ejecting the card, turning the ignition on resolves it, you have to obviously press the OK button when the message appears and switch on the ignition.
I have had this problem , resolved it by putting my out of date card into slot two. Then slot one would eject followed by slot two.
Thank you all! I was stuck with this problem this AM. A google search sent me here (of course). A curious thing afterwards. I had literally only driven 50 metres across the yard. But when I started my actual journey, my card had recorded 20 minutes of drive time! The second truck had a “newer” tacho-head, and showed 4h 12m remaining!
Press the ignition button, switching the auxillary on before pressing the “eject card” button…
Had a problem this year. Key fob packed in and couldn’t switch ignition on to retrieve card. Luckily recovery driver managed to clean fob enough to get ignition on to move unit and card out.
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Everything’s a problem today it seems!
Finished my shift and got the above error message. Eventually googling showed the answer on u tube youtu.be/Dlj7ihFjWak
Switch on the engine and it ejected fine. Only the card didn’t download on the client’s tacho machine. Went back to the lorry and got a printout with no problems, so not too worried, just wondering if there could be a problem with my tacho card, or are they fairly robust?
I had similar in October, downloaded card after shift went home.
Next days shift I’m continually getting messages after 20/30.minutes telling me I’ve exceed my driving hours, pulled over done a print out and it had.me.driving for all of the previous day from the start of shift, right through my rest period,. to when I done a printout.Over 24hrs continuous driving without a break!
I have had this problem , resolved it by putting my out of date card into slot two. Then slot one would eject followed by slot two.
Hopefully you dont get a pull of dvsa in the near future because they will be all over that like a rash.