
Anyone use tablets in their trucks.

Currently use a garmin truck sat nav but I’d like another one for when my sat nav doesn’t get me close enough.

I like google maps on my phone as it gives minute to minute updates on traffic the only issue being it sends you down some silly roads, so I’ll keep the garmin at hand. So I’d like to combine google maps on a tablet with my garmin.
Also I like the idea of playing on a tablet while on break or waiting to be loaded/unloaded.

So if you use a tablet which one do you use?

Currently I cab o use a dell venue 11 on windows 10 as its celluar I don’t need anything else to connect it to tinernet

I have a Ipad 4 on 4g ee comes in handy when on breaks to check out drops on google maps and browsing dodgy truck forums :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I use an Android tablet with Igo truck Sat nag installed on it. Works well and can be used as a tablet as required with a dongle of tethered to my phone.

I like the idea of having a celluar tablet. That way I don’t have too much stuff plugged into the cigarette lighter.

I use an iPad think I’d be lost without it. Keeps me occupied while being tipped.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

there’re various devices you can get
IOS: Ipad/ Ipad Mini is good enough and quite durable for using on truck.
Android OS: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Asus Memo pad, Lenovo IdeaPad or Lenovo Tablet… Google Play store is just so cool for entertainment.