Swindon traffic light speed calming

Those folks from the hill of pigs are at it again what with their innovative switching off their speed cameras, now this:-
As mentioned by Jeremy Vine, so what do people think of this method of encouraging keeping to the limit:-


I think it sounds great overall…

As long as the sensors are far enough back that you can’y fly on through on yellow it seems like a decent idea

Kin great idea considering there are no red light cameras either !! :laughing: :laughing:

In Spain there are semaforos (one of the expat drivers will correct me on this), where there is a pair of flashing amber lights which will change to red if you speed across a measured distance. Jump the red light and you will get a ticket from the guardia if they’re around. These are not at junctions, mind you if you do stop at the red light the Spanish don’t half get ■■■■■■ off at you. :laughing:

As well as the spanish, the belgians use groene golf. lights stay on green if you drive below the limit, dead handy past the crem