
A question for the Mods please.
In most threads you take down any videos etc with swearing etc in. Fine, of course, no arguments from me.
In a couple of threads lately we seen the Polish guy making a video about alleged racism etc.
You tube have taken one version down (copyright issues) and another version is now up.
I don`t think you (TNUK) took down the original, indeed the link to it is still active?
So can we assume that, on rare occasions, when justified, profanities etc will be left up?
Looks like the right choice to me BTW. :smiley:

My own opinion, for what its worth Take down profanities etc most of the time. On odd occasions it is necessary to see/hear what is going on in the real world. Cutting out some stuff is stopping us seeing and discussing real things. It isnt using naughty words for cheap laughs, or lazy insults etc.

A question for the Mods please.
In most threads you take down any videos etc with swearing etc in. Fine, of course, no arguments from me.
In a couple of threads lately we seen the Polish guy making a video about alleged racism etc.
You tube have taken one version down (copyright issues) and another version is now up.
I don`t think you (TNUK) took down the original, indeed the link to it is still active?
So can we assume that, on rare occasions, when justified, profanities etc will be left up?
Looks like the right choice to me BTW. :smiley:

My own opinion, for what its worth Take down profanities etc most of the time. On odd occasions it is necessary to see/hear what is going on in the real world. Cutting out some stuff is stopping us seeing and discussing real things. It isnt using naughty words for cheap laughs, or lazy insults etc.

It simply means we haven’t spotted it yet. Point us to the offending post (ie copy & paste the link) and we will act :wink:

It simply means we haven’t spotted it yet. Point us to the offending post (ie copy & paste the link) and we will act

OK, clear enough answer I guess.

… It simply means we haven’t spotted it yet. Point us to the offending post (ie copy & paste the link) and we will act :wink:


I’d just add that forum rule #3 is pretty clear on this point, that’s for those who can be bothered to read the rules though. :unamused:

‘Helping’ those who can’t find their way to the rules is all part of the (free) service we offer. :grimacing: :smiley:

There’s rules■■?

There’s rules■■?

Yes, they’d be the rules you received a link to in an automated email that you received when you joined TN.

They’d also be the rules that you’ve electronically agreed to when you first posted.

The rules can be found here:

trucknetuk.com/phpBB/viewto … 43&t=42755

It’s rule #3 that’s under discussion in this topic.