Suspect loses deportation appeal

Suspect loses deportation appeal

Siac agrees with John Reid that ‘Y’ is a threat to national security
An Algerian terror suspect has lost his appeal against Home Office plans to have him deported.
The man, known only as ‘Y’, was judged to be a danger to national security by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac).

The crucial ruling indicated the panel felt improvements had been made within the Algerian regime.

The decision will also affect the government’s plans to deport 15 other Algerians on security grounds.

Y had argued sending him back to Algeria would breach his human rights.

He was the first of a group of Algerians who launched an appeal against Home Office detention moves, which was heard earlier this year.

Home Secretary John Reid said he was happy with the Siac decision.

He said: "I welcome this judgement for two reasons.

"First because the court agreed this individual is a danger to national security and should be deported.

“Second because the court recognised that Algeria has changed - so as to allow us to deport this individual without jeopardising his human rights thanks to the Algerian Charter on Peace and National Reconciliation and the assurances we have received from the Algerian government”.


However, human rights campaigners said they were disappointed with the ruling.

So…don`t hold your breath… :laughing:

send him to france along so he can be with his brothers

■■■■■■■ do-gooders wouldn’t be dissappointed if by any chance that the person was allowed to stay and then he committed an act of terrorism and injured one of their familly

airhorn98 The do-Gooders would only miffed if his bomb didn`t go off! :laughing: :laughing:

buy him a ticket on Ryan air and give him a can of petrol. :laughing: