As I understand it - the stores being closed because they are “loss making” - are the ones that cost a fortune in non-available rigid drivers and smashed up 24 tonners to supply…
That’ll be the “express” ones down daftly tight side-streets then…
Are there any currently open “extra” stores being closed? - Nope.
The distribution centres make a tidy profit supplying THEM.
But what of the “half-built” stores of any size?
If they are now going to be mothballed - what’s to be done with the land? - It’s a bit late in the day to sell land off now… Who’s gonna buy it? Another supermarket that is tightening it’s own belt?
I can’t imagine why this announcement from Tescos has pushed up it’s share price… They’ve dropped the dividend, which is usually the last thing that happens before a firm goes under.
Even Warren Buffet lost money “investing in Tescos”.
…Perhaps if they reform enough - they might stop outsourcing deliveries to crappy outfits like wincanski from now on, what with their overbooking of drivers, and bullying the agency out of “stat pay” for those idiots like me that turn up in good faith only to be sent home unpaid…
As I understand it - the stores being closed because they are “loss making” - are the ones that cost a fortune in non-available rigid drivers and smashed up 24 tonners to supply…
That’ll be the “express” ones down daftly tight side-streets then…
Are there any currently open “extra” stores being closed? - Nope.
The distribution centres make a tidy profit supplying THEM.
But what of the “half-built” stores of any size?
If they are now going to be mothballed - what’s to be done with the land? - It’s a bit late in the day to sell land off now… Who’s gonna buy it? Another supermarket that is tightening it’s own belt?
I can’t imagine why this announcement from Tescos has pushed up it’s share price… They’ve dropped the dividend, which is usually the last thing that happens before a firm goes under.
Even Warren Buffet lost money “investing in Tescos”.
…Perhaps if they reform enough - they might stop outsourcing deliveries to crappy outfits like wincanski from now on, what with their overbooking of drivers, and bullying the agency out of “stat pay” for those idiots like me that turn up in good faith only to be sent home unpaid…
I’m no good at links but if you can then a look at page 3 of this weeks Grantham journal points too why there in trouble ,OUT SIDE of tesco is like Glastonbury ,basically they’ve changed the old cherry tree pub in Grantham into a express store ,not thought out at all ,as they say 2 lorries turn up at the same time ,fill the car park and then cars arriving at shop can’t park so turn grass verges into mud baths ,really upsetting local residents ,just the people they need too shop there .
There now on about allowing cars too park on harrowby lane again will cause problems .
I’ve delivered there ,why they can’t put a entrance off harrowby lane through old play area then tip and drive straight out through car park onto Keats ave I don’t know ,if a second truck arrives it can wait in old play area ,but no chaos ,not thought out ,and as I say upsetting just the people they need too visit there shops
The problem is, IMHO, apart from the accounting blunders, is that Tesco doesn’t really have a place anymore.
If you want cheap cheap, you go to Asda.
If you want quality and aren’t too worried about price you go to Waitrose or even M&S
A perception of quality, so so prices you go to Sainsburys.
Morrisons is well priced and has a good range, including lots of chilled choice
Tesco’s? Cheap but does nothing well.
The Coop is so expensive and relies on people who only shop there because the have a divvy card or live close by. It’s really expensive. £3.50 for a block of cheese? Come on.
and if you want cheap prices and good quality products ,you go to Aldi
Tesco Kirkcaldy is one of the shops closing, poor Dougie on the backdoor won’t be happy won’t have any junkies to chase away anymore
Terrible delivery that was down a wee tight street anything parked at the entrance of the street and you where really ■■■■■■! Plus you had to watched you didn’t get robbed by the junkies down the lane.
Maybe Aldi should buy the tescos that are closing down !!!
Aldi always build new stores from scratch
like weatherspoons ,always opening new pubs
but never on the sites of old pubs
The Heaton Chapel Express on the list (Stockport) was an old pub. I suspect that will return to being another decaying boarded up mess, which is what most of these old pubs would be if the likes of Tesco didn’t convert them to shops.
The fact Wetherspoons won’t re-open old pubs gives you an indication as to why they closed in the first place.
I would expect a lot of the staff to be quickly snapped up by Aldi or Lidl as they compete to take over the ready built shops.
Tesco’s land grab policy also means they are lumbered with ready built / partially built stores that haven’t even been opened and have lead to local family business’s shutting down or worrying about closing, this weight may be lifted for a few though so every cloud and all that.
There will always be work for those who want it and the Tesco’s staff may soon find themselves employed by a more stable company with some getting a sweet little redundancy package as well.
Dozy on the other hand will still have driving issues…
Yeah lovely for the people that will lose their jobs eh?
What he’s said…vvvvvvvvvv
There will always be work for those who want it and the Tesco’s staff may soon find themselves employed by a more stable company with some getting a sweet little redundancy package as well.
Tesco have cost other people their jobs during their ‘aggressive expansion’, it’s called karma ‘Seany’…
All this hate for Tesco, they are no different from any other supermarket chain. All looking to cheap out suppliers whilst charging top dollar to consumers.