Supermarket Logistics

…By supermarkets.
I know there are some drivers on here that drive for supermarkets and I would like to know…Do you have to wait as long in the RDC`s as the non supermarket haulage companies who take the goods in?

Possibly. I have seen me sitting for 3hours+ waiting for a run then coming back from a delivery 5 minutes away and waiting a bit more. On the contract i am now on we knew we were starting at 1300 every day but wouldn’t wait any less than 3 hours. We made a fortune from those first few weeks then they pushed our start times back by 3 hours. Somehow we were starting later but then left later :confused:

Every time I have gone into a supermarket rdc transport side it’s normally at least 10 drivers sat around gassing. I can’t believe how much money they throw away

Bit like amazon then, work get us to load for hemel Hempstead get there for 9pm to be told "put it on a bay departure time is 1.15 am " feet up and a kip job most nights :smiley:

Often, yes :slight_smile:

Although we often have the benefit of drop and swap!

Sometimes we have to wait a while, but most of the time I have a job within 30 mins. When I go to some stores we are kept waiting just as long as some of the lads who are delivering to the RDC’s.

In my work place it’s often drop and swap or straight on a bay. If the bay’s full then drop the trailer. Sometimes when on a store delivery the chaps have to make a collection of yoghurts for example in the way back. I think it goes straight on a bay and gets tipped pretty soon. They wouldn’t have their own drivers sitting around for hours on end (unless they were short on work/trucks).

Unless it’s a trunk and then yes, you do sit around as long as the non supermarket drivers…

Just finished@ Tesco/Sainsburys NI after two yrs on agency full time.

Very rarely had to wait on a load sometimes the odd 20mins and maybe TWICE in 2yrs it went to 40mins :exclamation: :exclamation: :grimacing:

its a different kind of waiting

…By supermarkets.
I know there are some drivers on here that drive for supermarkets and I would like to know…Do you have to wait as long in the RDC`s as the non supermarket haulage companies who take the goods in?

No,I drop the tri on bay now,if you go into tesco donny you’ll normally see bays 75/76/77( think that’s the numbers) taken up with dropped tris,if bay’s not available drop them opposite,they won’t have you sat for hours when you could be out there moving another load.
Had at first a few assy goods in staff who said you had too wait with tri,but 1 phone call and tri was on bay and dropped :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
N.b to be fair I’d love a hour /two sat in a rdc waiting room( I remember those days fondly) ,this on the move all the time isn’t all it’s cracked up to be :frowning:

Hi George@ASDAdriver, did you get my PM ?


Hi George@ASDAdriver, did you get my PM ?


:unamused: :unamused: nearly as bad as telling someone - you have PM :unamused:

From my previous experience, absolutely not. It’s a case of drop your trailer on bay so and so, and nip round the other side to have a (free) cuppa and sit on the sofa waiting for them to find you another run. I remember the jealous looks quite clearly after over 6 years.
Of course, I’ve been on the other end of it too. 6 hours to tip 7 palletsat Asda in Dartford :imp:


Hi George@ASDAdriver, did you get my PM ?


:unamused: :unamused: nearly as bad as telling someone - you have PM :unamused:

I may do that too… :laughing: