Summary of events prior to arrest of John Vasey

Summary of events prior to arrest of John Vasey and legal assesement

Tuesday, 25th February 2003

Left UK with trailer already loaded at Mitsubishi, Livingston, UK bound for Naeko Logistics, San Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona

Thursday 27th February 2003

Unloaded at Naeko late afternoon finishing about 16.30- 17.00hrs and parking overnight at truck park Cim Valles.

Friday 28th February

John left Cim Valles at 07.09 (local time) and went to warehouse of J Rios, Ave Sant Julian, Granollers. This warehouse has the name on the wall outside. John waited until 09.30 (local time) and Maria Rodriguez turned up in a silver car-possibly an Opel Vector. She suggested that John follow her to the loading point, this proved more difficult than usual, he had to drive quite a way to turn around. Maria seemed to be well known and familia with the layout. On arrival at the loading point she took the blank CMR and went inside the office as John opened the doors of the trailer. A Spaniard, description difficult as John was not taken much notice, about 25030, slim dark, black hair, no glasses or facial hair. He loaded 2 pallets of large cartons marked “Transdean - International Removals”. As the trailer was empty the Spaniard loaded them right to the back. During this time John was having a cigarette and sending a text message to his wife. Almost as soon as the loading was complete Maria Rodriguez reappeared with the completed CMR telling John the cartons contained Ceramics which the CMR confirmed at a glance with a weight of over just 700kg. John had no reason to be suspicious as there was noyhing unusual in the loading procedure.

John then proceeded to his other collections at Rubi, Barcelona and El Prat de Llobregat on behalf of Alberto Fontana. After completing these loadings John made his way back to France.

Saturday 1st March 2003

Shortly after midnight John was stopped and searched on the Spanish/French border in what appeard to be a routine control. French Customs Officers opened several cartons (but appeared to know which ones they were looking for) until they came to the cartons of J Rios which were sealed with shrink wrap and tape as usual to prevent any unauthorised access and to stop the load moving on the pallet. It turned out that the J Rios cartons contained 909kg of Cannabis Resin. There was nothing else in the cartons and the pallets and cartons were not hidden in any way.

Indications for John’s innocence

Fair Trials Abroad (who only support people who they think are innocent) has decided to support John Vasey as they beleive the charges against him are unfounded, in particular:

J D Vasey Transport had previously carried out some successful consignments for J Rios, thus had an existing business relationship with him
All contact details given by J Rios were correct and are on file in the traffic office thus John had no reason to be suspicious.
The mobile number of Maria Rodriguez is stored in John’s phone memory which the Police took into possession when he was arrested thus no attempt to hide his contact.
He had met Maria Rodriguez once before in the autumn of 2002 at the premises of J Rios. Maria Rodriguez herself had contacted J D Vasey Transport for the first time in summer 2002 via the internet followed by telephone and fax, again this shows nothing secretive in the business relationship.
The particular jjob was given by faxed confirmation signed by Maria Rodriguez , copy available.
Maria Rodriguez was genuinely employed by J Rios and had signed previous instructions whish are available.
The delivery address was M & B Enterprise, Philadelphia Complex, Houghton le Spring Tyne & Wear. This is the normal customer to whom John has delivered on previous occasions, this delivery was not out of the ordinary.
The CMR was completed and signed by Maria Rodriguez therfore John was travelling with completed genuine paperwork.
The standard packaging of shrinkwrap and tape made it impossible for John to check the contents of the pallets.
John has no previous convictioun whatsoever
He has cooperatad with the Customs Officers and later the Police
He had built up a successful transport business in recent years with his wife and was in no financial diffficulties which would be an incentive to get involved in the illegal drugs trade.
He comes from a respectable close knit family with several family members working for HM customs & Excise or as Revenue/Inspector of Taxes. He was therefore well aware of all tax and customs issues and would have under no circumstances jeapardised his family’s respected standing and credibility.

Fair Trials isssues

No lawyer present at police interview
No lawyer present at first Court appearance in front of Juge d’Instruction
John was forced to sign documents in French language which he did not understand
The interpreter during Police interviews was not fully competent
The interpreter at Court was even less copetent and apparently of Dutch origin. Her English was not good and she seemed to be not listening to the proceedings at times


I am appalled by John’s story. I can’t imagine being in prison for ten months even if guilty, but when completely blameless, it doesn’t bear thinking about.

I am too far away on a limited pension to be of any help in John’s case, I live between Limoges and Perigueux, but, as I have indicated in an e-mail to Dawn Neale, if I can be of any use in this area in the future I will do what I can. My French is passable for everyday use but I think would not do a victim justice in a police station or court. But my written skills are much better in both languages and are at the disposal of anyone who needs them.

As a Francophile who is always leaping to the defence of the French when they are (frequently) maligned I feel a keen sense of shame at the treatment of John and others in the same boat.

Please pass on my best wishes,

Salut, David.