Sub contracting to other haulage companys vs haulage exchang

We are looking at the idea of approaching some of the larger haulage companys instead of using sites such as haulage exchange i was just wondering if the rate was much better or the quality of work was any better? Getting sick of using haulage exchange for what can only be discribed as the ■■■■ we sat yesterday 4 hours to be turned away meaning my own load was delayed and the money we made was ■■■■!

has anybody done this and is it better than these sites such as haulage exchange?


Harry Monk would be a useful person to talk to here.

He subs to Gregory’s not sure if he also does his own work.

I’m sure there are a good number of haulage firms who take on subbies.

What kind of trailers do you have. There’s a firm down here always looking for Subbies on containers. (They will supply a Skelly)

The majority of my work is sub-contracting, about 5% is my own work. I look on subbing as my bread and butter, and my own work as the jam. Subbing pays enough to make it worthwhile, there would be no point in a company which has a business model which makes substantial use of subbies paying less than was needed to make it a viable option, otherwise subbies wouldn’t stay.

I’ve never used haulage exchange but I believe it and all similar sites offer work at the lowest end of the backload rate scale. It’s not something I would ever consider as a way of earning a living, I might possibly use it if I found myself in some remote place and none of my other contacts had a better paying load to bring me back.

I sub for a company and have done for the last 5 years no chasing work just sit back n go where they tell me I get paid an above avg milage rate and have got no stress and have work all year round subbing is all about getting on with the right company and having a good mutual relashonship I’d avoid the ones that advertise in the back of the rags